History 3. 07th Bomb Wing Association. History of the 3. Bombardment Wing Medium. Active Flight Crew Pocket Planes Short' title='Active Flight Crew Pocket Planes Short' />The. AREFS Lincoln AFB, Nebraska, 1. Click. here for 3. AREFS History. 30. BW History revised 1. Right click on link to saveContributors. Dale K Christians. Charles E Gingrich. Glen D Hesler. Donald W Hickman. Robert E King. Robert J Loffredo. Billy S Lyons. Gary Mc. Gill. Anthony D Minnick. George Nigh. Alton Bud Ostgaard. Ernest V Pence. Clay Robson. Harold W Todd. Bert Vorchheimer cover photo. Active Flight Crew Pocket Planes Short' title='Active Flight Crew Pocket Planes Short' />The latest travel information, deals, guides and reviews from USA TODAY Travel. The Northrop later Northrop Grumman B2 Spirit, also known as the Stealth Bomber, is an American heavy penetration strategic bomber, featuring low observable. This web page is dedicated to our good friend, retired armored vehicle engineer Bill Criswell who passed away a few years ago. A courageous and wise voice of reason. Billy D Williams. And Many Others. Published June 2. Revised 2. 00. 2Revised. By. The 3. 07th Bomb Wing B 4. KC 9. 7 Association. Foreword We are pleased to present to you, the members of the 3. Bomb Wing B 4. 7 KC 9. Association, this history of the 3. Bomb Wing. at Lincoln AFB. This history pays homage to those we served with and to. This project had its genesis a several years ago, at the. Memorial Bench dedication at the Air Force Museum. We found. then that we had nowhere near a complete list of our aviation related. Our remembrances were disjointed and somewhat inaccurate. Ernie Pence, our co historian volunteered to see what he could do. After great difficulties, Ernie succeeded in obtaining microfiche. Air. Force Historical Research Agency at Maxwell AFB. He found that references. Also discovered was the fact that references to nuclear weapons had yet. Thus, there is yet an unknown quantity of history. To complement the official Air Force records, we searched. Lincoln newspapers, and the former LAFB publication. Jet Scoop. Several members sent in extensive files of newspaper clippings. In addition, Ernie obtained from US Strategic Command. SACs successor organization, historical overviews. Strategic. Wing. In our presentation of this to you, Ernie Pence has done. Several others have. Our history is intended to be a living document. It is presently. incomplete. As we become aware of new information or corrections, we will. You have a role in. Again, our thanks to our historians, Robert Loffredo and. Ernie Pence. Finally, it is only appropriate that we dedicate this, our. We owe them so much. Your Chairman 1. Tony Minnick. Dedication. We, the present living members of the 3. Bomb Wing B 4. 7. KC 9. 7 Association, wish to dedicate this compilation of the history. Bomb Wing at Lincoln AFB, to our comrades who have gone before. Those, whose names follow, lost their lives through aviation related. Bomb Wing, or in subsequent service. B 4. 7, Ceresco, Nebraska, 6 April 1. Captain James W Sullivan. AC Lieutenant Anthony C Marcanti Lieutenant Lawrence A Schmidt A1. C James J Berry, Crewchief. B 4. 7, Lakenheath RAFB, England, 2. July 1. 95. 6Captain Russell R Bowling. AC Lieutenant Carroll William. Kalberg, CP Lieutenant Michael Joseph. Selmo, Nav TSgt John Ulrich, Crewchief. C 1. 18, Enroute From Lakenheath To The Azores, Atlantic. Ocean, 1. 0 October 1. Captain Kenneth E Goodroe Captain Robert W Ryan MSgt William A Caisse SSgt Thomas I De. Cota A1. C Alton J Gaines A1. C Orest D Giancola A1. C Billy B Grogan A1. C Eugene D Gruenberg A1. C Richard K Hunter A1. C Ronald L King A1. C Robert Lada A1. C Joseph D Loontiens A1. C Michael C Macedonia A1. C Ronald F Mountain A1. C Stanley L Osgar A1. C Keith A Peterson A1. C James L Schorr A1. C Robert C Urban A1. C Earl F Vasey A1. C Herbert A Banks A2. C Albert L Beard A2. C Dale R Brockman A2. C Conrad J Buehler Jr A2. C Edmond R De. Wolf A2. C John F Disanto A2. C Raymond E Drake A2. C Lyle C Giberson A2. C Gene O Godfrey A2. C Cloyse A Hepler A2. C Gerard A Hummel A2. C Robert H Lipina A2. C George F Luce A2. C William R Ray A2. C Leonard J Roman A2. C Henry J Schuver A2. C Robert D Spurling A2. C James B Whitlock A2. C Frank C Williamson A3. C Roscoe F Deel A3. C Willie B Ferguson A3. C Ronald L Gardner A3. C Charles W Hannah A3. C Lloyd D Harding A3. C Lee R Kane A3. C Sherman W Lock A3. C Ralph M Pacelli A3. C Donald L Reynolds A3. C Abelardo Siller Jr A3. C Bruce B Stewart A3. C Earl E Tanner. ANG F 8. Jet Collided With LAFB Fuel Pits, 1. November. 1. 95. 6A1. C John Lawrence De. Lancey. Crewchief A2. C Donald Russell Price. Asst Crewchief. B 4. LAFB, 8 October 1. Major Paul R Ecelbarger. Instructor Pilot First Lieutenant Joseph. R Morrisey Jr, AC Captain Lucian W Nowlin. Nav Captain Theodore Tallmadge. Nav. B 4. 7, LAFB, 1. June 1. 96. 1Captain Russell Holst, AC Captain Albert Marinich. Nav Captain Allan Matson, CPB 4. Mc. Connell AFB, Kansas, 1. January 1. 96. 3Captain Paul Pudwill, ACB 4. Greenham Common RAFB, England, 3 February 1. Captain Richard C West, CPB 4. LAFB, 7 March 1. 96. B 4. 7, LAFB, 2. July 1. Captain Thomas E Sutton, AC First Lieutenant David C Williams, CP First Lieutenant Terrance P Murphy, Nav Major John F Sakry, Nav. Perished in South East Asia Conflict. Yale R Davis Earl M Freeman Ivel D Freeman Otis Gordon, Jr Andrew Matyas James R Mc. Elvain. Robert D Morrissey Leon G Smith Walter H Trisko Courtney E Weismueller. Lost In Other Military Aviation Accidents. Clifford E Hanna Robert J Morrison Curtiss E Robertson. Lincoln. Air Force Base History. The base was originally known as Lincoln Army Airfield and. Lincolns first connection with the Army Air Corp. World War II, when it was activated as a training base for aircraft. B 1. 7 aircraft and crews headed. England. Lincoln Army Air Field was dedicated in October 1. It. later became a deployment center for B 2. SE Asia, most headed. Air Force on Saipan. The base was deactivated after the war in. Lincoln AFB was reactivated in February 1. Bomb Wing and the. Air Refueling Squadron. Less than one year after its reactivation the. Congress decided to make it a double wing. This increase came in October 1. Bombardment Wing. Okinawa was made part of the Lincoln strength. We of the 3. 07th during. WWII the tarpaper. Remember the old ICE Box. Chilly wasnt it Remember. These are all gone now, as are most of the WWII buildings. Lincoln AFB was first placed under the command of SACs. Air Force at March AFB CA. On 1 July 1. 95. 5, the 8. Air Division. was placed under the command of SACs 8th Air Force at Westover AFB MA. Finally, on 1 January 1. SACs 2nd. Air Force with headquarters at Barksdale AFB LA. April 1. 96. 1, Lincoln AFB entered the missile age as the 5. Strategic Missile Squadron was activated and 1. Atlas F missile. Lincoln and the base. These intercontinental. The departure of the Division Headquarters and the 3. Bomb Wing came. on 2. March 1. 96. 5. The 5. June 1. 96. 5. The first B 4. Brothers In Arms Free Download For Windows 7 more. Lincoln 7 December 1. December 1. 96. 5. In addition to Lincoln, the following Nebraska airfields. WWII Alliance, Ainsworth, Bruning, Fairmont, Harvard. Grand Island, Kearney, Scribner, Mc. Cook and Scottsbluff. Today, the Lincoln Airport Authority manages that which. Air Base. A new commercial terminal was built in 1. The Nebraska Air Guard now flies KC 1. Lincoln, after having flown F 8. Ds and RF 4. Cs previously. Former. Air Force buildings are utilized by local businesses. It is a great economic. Lincoln. History Of The 3. Bomb GroupWing Whoever reads this short history in the future can only. Because of the times we lived. Ernest V Pence. A B 4. Crew Chief from a By Gone Era. We bought you a short time of peace, how long it endures. Like the man says, if you love freedom, thank a vet. Summary of the 3. World War. II, Korea, Cold War and Southeast Asia. The Best of the Best. The 3. 07th Bombardment Group Heavy was activated in 1. Army. Air Corps Combat Command after an attack on Pearl Harbor thrust the United. States into war with Japan. In succeeding years, the 3.