Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment. Mission. The Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment facilitates successful secondary and postsecondary educational, vocational and personal outcomes for students and adults with disabilities. ZC faculty, staff, and students do this through self determination oriented evaluation, research, development, transition education instruction, and dissemination of best educational and support practices. Activities For Transition To College' title='Activities For Transition To College' />The ZC also prepares undergraduate and graduate students to assume leadership roles in schools, universities, and support organizations. Vision. The Zarrow Center facilitates student directed educational, employment and adult living outcomes for individuals with disabilities, fosters innovative self determination oriented instruction and transition education practices, and prepares educational leaders. History. Generous gifts from the Anne and Henry Zarrow Foundation and the Maxine and Jack Zarrow Family Foundation, which the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education matched, endowed the Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment. In the fall semester of 2. Dr. James Martin became the first Zarrow Chair and serves as the Zarrow Center Director. Windows Update Cannot Currently Check For Updates Vista 32 User. OU President David Boren gave the Zarrow Center dedication address on May 1, 2. Announcements. The Journal of The FirstYear Experience Students in Transition is currently accepting nominations including selfnominations for members of the. Transition Tech is a training program for transitioning military service members that provides industryfocused certificates and credentials, resume assistance, and.