Document/1116/0photo1.jpg' alt='Asp Net Mvc Editable Tables' title='Asp Net Mvc Editable Tables' />Binding Kendo. UI to Sql data with Entity Framework. I am developing an Asp. MVC3 application with Entity Framework. I am using Knockoutjs for bindings and Kendo. UI for the UI part of the view. Easy free website builder. A great tool for creating responsive sites. Angle Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template Admin Template for Angular4, AngularJS, ReactJS, Static HTML5jQuery, Material Design, MVC56, NetCore, Ruby on Rails. I am developing an Asp. MVC3 application with Entity Framework. I am using Knockoutjs for bindings and KendoUI for the UI part of the view. I was able to implement. I was able to implement most of the Kendo. Ui widgets but now I need to use Kendo. UI grid control which takes its data from SQL server. As far as I understood the grid widget works with XML or JSON. Using MVC, Entity Framework, and ASP. NET Scaffolding, you can create a web application that provides an interface to an existing database. This tutorial seri. So I have a db context public Db. Setlt Franchise. Info. Dto Franchises get set. I have saved some data in the tables in the local Sql server and retrieve it from the controller and serialize it to Json so I can bind it somehow to the grid widjet in the view private Omega. DB db new Omega. DB. GET Franchise. Json. Net. Result Index. Json. Net. Result json. Net. Result new Json. Net. Result Formatting Formatting. Indented. var franchises db. Franchises. To. List. Net. Result. Data franchises. Net. Result. The serialized json data is in this format Parent. Id 0, Title Deposit, Type link, Link http www. Parent. Id 2, Title Cash, Type link, Link http www. I read the documentation about the Kendo. UI Grid and was able to bind it to some local data like this var menus Parent. Id 0, Title Deposit, Type link, Link http www. Parent. Id 2, Title Cash, Type link, Link http www. Source new kendo. Data. Source. data menus. Parent. Id editable true. Title editable true. Type editable true. Link editable true. Grid. toolbar create, save, cancel. Parent. Id. title Id. Title. title Label. Type. title Type. Link. title Link. Source data. Source. But when I tried to bind it to the Index controller returning Json I did not succeed. I tried something like this data. Source. type odata. FranchiseIndex this is my controller action where I serialize the data coming from the local sql server to json. I am rather new to programming and I am not sure whether this approach is correct. Any suggestions with examples based on my sample code will be greatly appreciated. Angular. JS Tutorial Basics, tips and tricks for the premier MVC Javascript framework an Angular tutorial. Managed by Monir Mamoun. Lets dive right in. Copy paste the following code into your favorite editor, save it as index. Javascript and web servers already, so if this part does not make sense, youll probably want to research some basic Javascript before moving on. For convenience, weve created a Plunker demo that shows this code in action. Looks pretty basic. But so far this code does three important things. First, in our index. Angular. JS code, as well as the ng. Route module thats inside the angular route. Look more closely, and youll notice we reference the ng app directive in the opening lt body tag, which tells Angular that every thing between the opening and closing lt body tag belongs to the Angular module called my. App which we will create shortly and which will form the core of our Angular program. We also inserted the ng view directive in the lt div tag inside the body. Directive may be a new word for you you can think of it as an additional feature or enhancement Angular adds to the HTML. Directives are scanned by Angular and link to some javascript driven functionality specific to that directive. Directives starting with ng are Angular native directives you will learn how to create your own custom directives later. Now in this case, the ng view directive tells Angular that the ng view functionality will apply to this div tag the ng view more specifically indicates that this div is a placeholder for our dynamic views that we are going to switch in later. Its a placeholder the ng. Route module will fill out later for us. In our script file script. Angular module my. App the same name we declared in our HTML file and declare a dependency upon ng. Route. ng. Route is Angulars routing module which ties specific urls to a combination of view and controller technically, it can do a bit more, but thats a reasonably simple starting point for us. Upon seeing this declaration, Angular knows we want to use the ng. Route module later in our code. Angular programs are constructed using blocks. In our simple program here, we use a configuration block its the block starting with. We declare a route in our config block. To accomplish this, we tell Angular we want to use ng. Route. In the config block we do this by asking Angular for the route. Provider depedency. Then we pass in a function which becomes our config block. Inside that function, we call the route. Phoenix Service Software 2010 With Tutorials For Microsoft more. Provider, and tell it that when the route is equal to thats the top level url of our app we want to pull in the controller called my. App. Controller and combine that with the view file home. View. html. 7. Lets bring up our javascript code and create a super simple model to play with. Model is a general programming term to describe some combination of data and functional logic necessary to represent objects of interest in our system. For instance, in a todo list app, we might create models for creating and editing todo lists and todo items. In an address book application, we might create a model to create and edit contacts along with their addresses. Here, well just model a very simple user with a first and last name. We create that model inside our controller my. App. Controller. Our model is created as a property of a special Angular variable called scope. Angular, so for lets just keep it simple for now by saying that for every controller we create, we ask Angular to pass us in this special scope variable. And then that scope variable is actually a Javascript object that will serve as the bag to hold all the variables, objects and functions we want to expose to the view associated with that controller. In this case, the view connected to this controller will be the home. View. html file we declared in our config block above. So on this scope variable, we just declare an empty object called user which we then attach a single property to called first. Name once weve done that, the user object will be available in our view with a valid first. Name property. Here we create a default value of Joe for the first. Name property so well have something to kick off our view. Now in our view file, we add in a couple of inputs to allow us to edit our users first and last name. We use the ng model directive to tell Angular to which scope variable or property each input should be connected. In this case, we connect the first one to scope. Name and the second to scope. Name now notice we omit the scope prefix its implicitly there already and we simply declared the last. Name property on our scope. Name property which we explicitly declared in our controller. Angular will allow us to create properties directly on scope objects we already declared similarly we could directly create properties on scope e. Finally we demonstrate some of the most exciting Angular magic namely, two way databinding. When we run this program and start typing something in the first name and last name inputs, what we type gets picked up by Angular though a Javascript event handler it creates automatically and almost immediately attached to the corresponding scope variable through whats called the digest process. We then see that value immediately reflected back to us because in our html we told Angular to show us the users first name user. Name and last name user. Name. If youre familiar with popular javascript library j. Query, youll recognize that we accomplished this without actually writing an event handler ourselves thats part of what makes Angular such an appealing system for rapid web application development. Wow A lot of concepts packed into a very tiny app. In our next posts well take a more detailed look at routes, directives and integrating CSS in an Angular aware way.