How to convert Power. Point to DVD for free. This posting will outline a number of options for converting a Power. Point presentation to DVD using all free software. There is not a single free app that will do this however there are three routes illustrated below that you could take to achieve Power. Point to DVD conversion using all free apps. Heres a quick summary Notes All of the methods described here require that Power. Point be installed on your machine. While I use PPT to refer to Power. Point files you could in fact convert any Power. Point file extension that your version of Power. Point supports e. PPS, or PPTS, PPTM, etc. Power. Point 2. 00. It took a while to research and write this post so if you like this post please Digg or Stumble it. I am going to segment the process of converting a Power. Point file into 2 parts 1 capturing the visual part of the presentation, and 2 packaging it into a DVD. PART ONE capturing the visual part of the presentation. There are a number of ways to do this using the following free programs The free version of this program will convert your Power. Point presentation into a video file, and can output to a good variety of video formats e. WMV, AVI, MPG it can even output to BMP images. Filesyncing services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive might be moving data in the background, which can eat up your bandwidth and slow down your internet. The program works by virtually opening your presentation using Power. Point, and recording the output to video. This program will let you specify a the size of the desired output video from a good number of options b whether you want an auto transition between slides or the option to manually go through the presentation and record and c if auto transition, how many seconds to display each slide. It will also let you specify an audio file to use with your video or if recording your presentation manually will also allow you to alternately record an audiocommentary track using a microphone note this function is actually available inside Power. Point. More notes Experiment first to see if everything works out as you want it to note that in testing this application I have encountered instances where a visual element in the original presentation is incorrectly placed in the output video. Qintil-Post.jpg' alt='Bandwidth Management Software For Ispring' title='Bandwidth Management Software For Ispring' />This program installs a media player and DVD burner in the program directory, and these cannot be uninstalled seperately. The DVD burner component, moreover, requires VOB or MPG files as inputs to author a DVD, but refused to burn my resulting presentations when I converted them to MPG. Burning to DVD see DVD Flick in Part. Packaging the presentation to DVD. PPT to SWF i. Spring Converter Free. This is a powerful free Power. Point extension that can convert Power. Point files to flash SWF files. Some notes on this one Output the resulting SWF file when I tested this program was 7. Spring will preserve all animations, transition effects, sounds, and videos that may be in the PPT file but will not capture any rehearsed narration that may have been saved into the PPT file this is available in the paid version only. HTMLPlayer i. Spring will also generate an HTML page that incorporates a player to play the converted SWF within your browser or, alternately, uploaded and played from a web site. Settings auto play if you plan to eventually convert your SWF to a video file AVI in an automated fashion using a SWF to video converter, in the Publish settings, make sure to check change all slides automatically and auto play on click animations. This will ensure that your resulting SWF file plays continuously and does not wait for user input to advance and therefore behaves like a video rather than being interactive. Settings manual play if you plan to convert your SWF to a video file AVI using a screen recording program and would like to set the pacespeed of the presentation manually, uncheck change all slides automatically and auto play on click animations. This will give you on click control over animation events and slide transitions. If youve not sure what I mean by the settings above, see the SWF to AVI sections 2a and 2b in Part 2 below. PPT to JPG Power. Point Image Copier. This little free gem will process a Power. The podcast craze of the past several years shows no signs of slowing down, and while every armchair broadcaster with a voice recorder app is eager to get in the game. INTERIM/assets/products/sql-source-control/images/screenshots/schemas-ref-data.png' alt='Bandwidth Management Software For Ispring' title='Bandwidth Management Software For Ispring' />Point file and output each slide andor animation event as a series of JPGs. So, for example, a slide with 2 animation events say click get a bullet point, and then click a chart flies in will output 3 jpgs with Power. Point Image Copier the initial slide with just the title, the slide with the bullet point displayed, and the slide with the bullet point and chart together. This program is a small, no install program that is able to capture all of the visual content of a Power. Point presentation as distinct JPG images on the other hand it will not capture any animations or transitions that may have been used and certainly not any sound or narration. Power. Point Image Copier works in a rather quirky way it will open your Power. Point presentation using Power. Point in full screen mode and then proceed to scroll through all the slides and events and take snapshots of them. However, any on screen events that may occur during this process will also be captured for example your IM client window suddenly popping up on screen, etc. Part TWO packaging the presentation to DVD. This section will discuss how to burn your resulting video file, your SWF file, or JPEGs to DVDs that can be played on any standalone DVD player. AVI to DVD DVD Flick DVD Flick is a free DVD authoring program that can use videos from a wide variety of formats as input and burn DVDs that will run on any DVD player, Once you have your Power. Point file converted to video you can use any of a great many freeware programs to author a DVD, but DVD Flick is my favorite. Some notes 2a. SWF to AVI Cam. Studio, Debut Video Recorder, Speedy Video Capture portable. These are free screen recording programs that will capture any screen activity and record any sound input coming through the mic jack. Any of these programs will allow you plug in a microphone, hone in on a part of the screen and play the SWF that you got using your browser or your media player and advance through the presentation in real time, recording your narration as you go along. Note that you do not have to add narration if you prefer not to. I would strongly recommend using a screen capture program a if you want a human element to your Power. Point video where the slides arent just advancing robotically at a fixed pace, andor b if you want to add narration. If you do want to go manually go through your presentation and record it make sure that your generated SWF allows you to do so manually see settingsmanual play in the i. Spring section above. Lastly, you might ask if I were going to do screen recording why bother with the SWF at all, why not just do it straight out of Power. Point The answer to that question is that Power. Point will run presentations full screen only, which makes capturing rather unwieldy and complicated and will result in output files with enormous sizes. Playing and recording the SWF file is much more practical. Other notes Make sure to create a controlled environment where unwanted on screen activity such as emailIM notifications or anything else are not going to occur. Also be mindful where you place your mouse. If you do not want audio you can switch it off using the screen recording program. The Advantages of e. Learning e. Learning Brothers. By Karen L. Jones. I came across this article and thought it listed some nice advantages of e. Learning. Have a read Technology has revolutionized business now it must revolutionize learning. In the 2. 1st century, people have to learn more than ever before. Especially for global organizations, live classroom based training is becoming too costly and cumbersome. Even if employees had the time to attend all the courses and seminars and to read all the books and reports they should to remain up to date in their area of work, the cost of such learning would be prohibitive. The need to transform how organizations learn points to a more modern, efficient, and flexible alternative e. Learning. The mission of corporate e. Learning is to supply the workforce with an up to date and cost effective program that yields motivated, skilled, and loyal knowledge workers. Anywhere, anytime, anyone. The Internet can offer the logical solution for a companys education and training objectives. Approximately 8. 0 of the professional workforce already uses computers on the job. Technical obstacles, such as access, standards, infrastructure, and bandwidth, will not be an issue in a few years. The growth of the World Wide Web, high capacity corporate networks, and high speed desktop computers will make learning available to people 2. This will enable businesses to distribute training and critical information to multiple locations easily and conveniently. Employees can then access training when it is convenient for them, at home or in the office. Substantial cost savings due to elimination of travel expenses. When delivered through technology based solutions, training is less expensive per end user due to scaleable distribution and the elimination of high salaries for trainers and consultants. The biggest benefit of e. Learning, however, is that it eliminates the expense and inconvenience of getting the instructor and students in the same place. According to Training Magazine, corporations save between 5. Opting for e. Learning also means that courses can be pared into shorter sessions and spread out over several days or weeks so that the business would not lose an employee for entire days at a time. Workers can also improve productivity and use their own time more efficiently, as they no longer need to travel or fight rush hour traffic to get to a class. Just in time access to timely information. Web based products allow instructors to update lessons and materials across the entire network instantly. This keeps content fresh and consistent and gives students immediate access to the most current data. Information can be retrieved just before it is required, rather than being learned once in a classroom and subsequently forgotten. Training Magazine reported that technology based training has proven to have a 5. Higher retention of content through personalized learning. Technology based solutions allow more room for individual differences in learning styles. They also provide a high level of simulation that can be tailored to the learners level of proficiency. With 2. 4 x 7 access, people can learn at their own pace and review course material as often as needed. Since they can customize the learning material to their own needs, students have more control over their learning process and can better understand the material, leading to a 6. The delivery of content in smaller units, called chunks, contributes further to a more lasting learning effect. Whereas the average content retention rate for an instructor led class is only 5. Learning experience enhances the retention rate by 2. Higher retention of the material puts a higher value on every dollar spent on training. Improved collaboration and interactivity among students. In times when small instructor led classes tend to be the exception, electronic learning solutions can offer more collaboration and interaction with experts and peers as well as a higher success rate than the live alternative. Teaching and communication techniques which create an interactive online environment include case studies, story telling, demonstrations, role playing, simulations, streamed videos, online references, personalized coaching and mentoring, discussion groups, project teams, chat rooms, e mail, bulletin boards, tips, tutorials, FAQs, and wizards. Distance education can be more stimulating and encourage more critical reasoning than a traditional large instructor led class because it allows the kind of interaction that takes place most fully in small group settings. Studies have shown that students who take online courses are typically drawn into the subject matter of the class more deeply than in a traditional course because of the discussions they get involved in. This engagement is further facilitated by the fact that instructors do not monopolize attention in an online environment. Another study found that online students had more peer contact with others in the class, enjoyed it more, spent more time on class work, understood the material better, and performed, on average, 2. Online training is less intimidating than instructor led courses. Students taking an online course enter a risk free environment in which they can try new things and make mistakes without exposing themselves. Imprimir A Pdf 64 Bits. This characteristic is particularly valuable when trying to learn soft skills, such as leadership and decision making. A good learning program shows the consequences of students actions and herewhy they went wrong. After a failure, students can go back and try again. This type of learning experience eliminates the embarrassment of failure in front of a group. With all of these advantages of taking classes online, it is hard to imagine why anyone would opt to sit in a lecture to learn new information. There are online classes available free on a multitude of topics, just start surfing, find one to your liking, and start learning ENDNOTES1 Jack E. Bowsher, Revolutionizing Workforce Performance A Systems Approach to Mastery, 1. D. Peoples, Presentations Plus, 1. Training Magazine, 1. Greg Kearsley, A Guide to Online Education, 1. Dennis A. Trinkle, Distance Education a Means to an End, No More, No Less, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 1. Colin Mc. Cormack and David Jones, Building a Web based Education System, 1. For off the shelf and customized e. Learning programs, visit http www. Sign up today for an Office course for only 5. Article Source http Ezine. Articles. com expertKarenL. Joneshttp Ezine. Articles. The Advantages of e. Learning id6. Quickly build e. Learning games and e. Learning interactions. Works with your e. Learning authoring tool. No programming needed.