SOLVED Install an exe with silent switch Power. Shell. I had a similar issue here. It ended up that the installer used more than one file to complete the installation there were some. I had to copy to the network share as well. Denis trick is what I did. I double clicked the executable but stopped there. I went into the temp and found the newest created folder and grabbed all the installer files it needed. What I ended up with was a few. The exe did nothing more than fire off the msi, and the exe wasnt passing any parameters. Once I started the install directly from the msi, I was able to do a silent off the network. Windows/Administration/Install-DotNet2-Silently/6.png' alt='Batch File To Run Silent Install' title='Batch File To Run Silent Install' />Installation Tasks Creating Internet URL Shortcuts. First create a file named, for example, website. InternetShortcut. Intel Hd Graphics Driver For Dell Vostro 1440 Windows. We ran into a similar issue with BGinfo in our image. To resolve it we used a group policy in active directory to install it. I used in for. You can create a bat file to run as administrator automatically itself. Heres a detailed guide on how to run batch programs as admin automatically. Batch File To Run Silent Install' title='Batch File To Run Silent Install' />In this tutorial will explain how to silent install VLC Media Player. We will explain both methods for exe and msi file. The script will uninstall older version of VLC.