I thought Id write down a little bit about what happened to us on Saturday. I had a recording session Saturday morning while Sarah was doing her monthly stake baptism duties, and we both finished up around noon. We were going to make our yearly journey to Ephraim, UT to climb the mountain and chop down a Christmas tree for our. Personal. Sat Oct 0. Important Things. Poetic. Intensity So, lately Ive been thinking a lot about what life is all about, and kind of pondering upon times when Ive been doing well, and times when Ive been doing not so well. I think the most important thing you can do in life is stay close to the Spirit of God. Lots of things seem to get in the way from time to time, but thats the nature. General Conference Personal Spiritual. Fri May 1. 3, 2. Studio Session. Poetic. Intensity Yup. Today was awesome. I had a 1. 3. 5 hour session, and it was just amazing. The song creation process was a bit difficult at times, but little by little the song formed, and both me and my client Jed Lefevre were kind of dumbfounded at the end result. In the first hour, we had a piano track, and that was it. At th. Personal Studio journey. Sun Mar 2. 0, 2. Singing In The Celestial Room. Poetic. Intensity So, I dont have near the time to dedicate ato this right now as I should, but Im gonna need half a day to get it all out. Yesterday Friday I had a dress rehearsal for the Temple Choir, and the singing in the Celestial room was indescribible. Searching for genuine office activation Key, windows product key code or McAfee key online buyactivationkey. MS. Product Key Finder is an useful tool to recover product keysCD Keys for Windows, Office, Visual Studio, SQL Server, Exchange Server, VMWare, Adobe. I bought A Samsung Laptop with Windows 8 pre installed. There is no product key sticker on the laptop, therefore I have no access to the product key. Does anyone know. Basic information about Microsoft Windows Vista including available service packs, editions, release dates, minimum and maximum hardware, and more. Windows 7 Updated Product Key Windows 7 is an upgraded family line version of Windows NT, Developed by Microsoft. Windows 7 is basically the same as Windows Vista. Note This operating system may be installed over previous versions of Windows XP and Windows Vista by completing a clean installation, or Windows 7, and Windows 8. Buy A Windows Vista Product Key' title='Buy A Windows Vista Product Key' />It was amazing to sing there, and the acoustics were wonderful. But the thing I k. Personal Provo City Center Temple Spiritual. Tue Jan 1. 9, 2. Conf 4 Yielding Hearts to GodPoetic. IntensityYielding Our Hearts to God or Change of Heart Man, I love this talk. I wish I could tell you all how much this talk means to me. When I heard it the first time, I was with noisy kids, so I didnt get much out of it, but the next time I listened to it was during lunch, and I was alone. I. General Conference Personal Spiritual. Mon Jan 0. 4, 2. Conf 2 God Is At The HelmPoetic. Intensity Hold on with Both Hands. I love this quote. It suggests that holding on with one hand isnt enough. When I live the Gospel half heartedly, I feel a contrast to the times when I know I am giving it my all. The closer we draw to God, the closer God draws to us. General Conference Personal Spiritual. Wed Dec 3. 0, 2. Conf 1 It Works WonderfullyPoetic. Intensity. Quote Sometimes, the truth may just seem too straightforward, too plain, and too simple for us to fully appreciate its great value. I wonder if we as Church members might also benefit from asking ourselves from time to time Is my experience in the Church working for me Is it bringing me closer to Christ Is it blessing m. General Conference Personal Spiritual. Tue Nov 0. 3, 2. Thanks. Poetic. Intensity So, todays entry is going to be a bit less, but I still was able to see Gods hand in my life quite a bit. I had a late studio session to tend to, but I had felt horrible all day long. I prayed that I would be able to have a great session, and it went really well. Everything that needed to happen, happened, and nothing too t. Thanks. 4giving. Sun Nov 0. Thanks. 4Giving 1. Poetic. Intensity So, I havent been one to get on the 3. Thanks in November, just because I generally think its shallow to do such a thing only in November, as we should be doing it all year round, but that, in itself, is even more shallow, because Ive never ended up actually doing anyhting of the sort, ever. So, this November, in the Spirit o. Personal Spiritual Thanks. Thu Aug 2. 0, 2. Forgiveness. Poetic. Intensity I should be way more tired than I am. I just got done praying, and a day before that I had just got done sinning. You know the kind Im talking about. Its the kind you really need to rid yourself of. The kind that always keeps creeping around, finding an idle brain cell to occupy. So, yeah. Hundreds, if n. Personal Spiritual. Mon Feb 2. 5, 2. AMAZING video EverythingPoetic. Intensity. As some of you know, in addition to running this site, I also run a site called ldscompanion. Today, I was rummaging through some of the artwork submitted by my users, when I found this piece. The artwork is well done, and presents a Biblical message as well as a URL. Well. Not being familiar with the URL, I decided to see wh. Spiritual. Mon Jan 1. Starting 2. 00. 9 off right Poetic. Intensity. Well. It became time again quickly to have a LAN party after the craziness of the holiday season. So, we decided to have one two days ago. It was fairly awesome. I didnt bring my camera, so I dont have a video of this one, but suffice it to say that this one was pretty darned fun. It started with Eric Hansen and I lo. Computers Friends Fun Games Personal. Thu May 2. 9, 2. Postgres Authentication in Proftpd. Poetic. Intensity. Today I was commissioned to create an FTP server here at work. Through persistent pestering of the hideously insecure nature of FTP in general, my boss let me dedicate an entire server just for the companys need to FTP. This was to negate the possibility of any hacking of the web server, should the FTP server be compromised. Its. Computers Gentoo Linux. Thu Oct 0. 2, 2. Curtis and Lauras Sealing. Poetic. Intensity. Update Due to the popularity of this post, some people are having a hard time viewing the video posted above. If it wont play for you, simply wait until the gray progress bar has filled 14 to 12 of the way before you press play. That should do the trick. Yesterday I took the day off work to go to my bothers sealing to his w. Family Lds Spiritual Video. Tue Aug 2. 6, 2. About Me. Poetic. Intensity. Hi there Im Poetic. Intensity. I guess this is my journal. I started journaling when I was 1. I had no idea then just how much I would get into journaling. It took me 1. 2 years, off and on, to transcode all of my 3. I. Babblings Life My Journal Personal. Wed Aug 2. 7, 2. Dave Pelzer. Poetic. Intensity. I just got done reading the book A Man Named Dave, after reading The Lost Boy, and 6 years ago, A Child Called It. Ya know. To a certain extent, I enjoy doing things from time to time, to keep myself grounded. To keep myself living in a reality close to what is real for everyone else. I do t. Life. Sun Feb 1. Comcast Bit Torrent Filtering. Adobe Indesign Cs6 Tested Youtube. Poetic. Intensity. Ive been using Comcast for my personal Internet connection now for about 5 years. Personally, I think they do a great job. My connection goes down on average about once per year, and it just works really well with my lifestyle. I think the price is a bit much, but having a steady Internet connection means a lot to me, so I keep i. Computers Drm. Mon Jan 1. I Wish I Had a Camera. Poetic. Intensity. Last night, the temperature dropped down to right around 0 degrees fahrenheit. When I woke up and was almost to work, I almost hit the car in front of me. No, Im not a poor driver. Its just that with it being so cold, there was literally about a half an inch of frost which had gathered on. Everyday Thoughts Life. Sun May 1. 8, 2. My Kindness musical numberPoetic. Intensity So. Today was. It was a day that just brimmed with spiritual opulence. I woke up at 7 0. Personal Spiritual. Fri Sep 0. 3, 2. Nephi 1.