Can A Wireless Router Be Hacked Free' title='Can A Wireless Router Be Hacked Free' />How to Tell If Someone Has Hacked Into Your Wireless Internet. If you have a wireless enabled computer, phone or other electronic device, you likely have used another open wireless connection at some point such as at coffee shops that offer free wireless to their customers through an open network. When people do not put password protection on their wireless network, it is open to anyone within range. If you suspect someone is hacking your wireless signal without your permission, you should look into the matter. Stealing someone elses Internet is illegal, and can breach your computers security. To find out whos been using your Internet, you can check the logs for foreign IP addresses. Computer hackers can access personal information if you are not watchful. Step. Determine your own IP address, so you know what address is yours and what address is that of a stranger stealing your Internet connection. To find out your IP address, select the Start button and then search for Run in the search box. Open the Run application. Step. Type in cmd then press the OK button. Type in ipconfig when the program opens and hit Enter. Make note of the number besides IPv. Address. This is your own IP address and if your wireless is secure, there should be no foreign addresses in your log. Step. Enter the IP address of your router into your Internet browser window and hit Enter. The IP address of your router is located in the same place you found your IP address, beside the heading Default Gateway. Step. Log into your router using your username and password. You will either use the name and password set as default, or your current wireless name and password. This will bring you into the configuration page for your specific router. Step. Look for an Administration tab all routers will be different, so look for similar settings for your device. Open the Log to view the IP addresses that are logging into your Internet. Step. Check the log for any instances where strange IP addresses are logging in. If your log was turned off, enable it so it will track all incoming IP addresses. How to stop bad guys from invading your home network. Looking for best wireless routers for home use. Select from top 10 best wifi routers we have listed for home or gaming. Guide to best wireless routers 2018. This walkthrough on setting up a Cisco ASA 5505 firewall with a wireless router focuses on things you might encounter when doing the setup at home. K6CNc/UmJHkLeuIeI/AAAAAAAAYLs/MQL4ylpTZ5Y/s1600/Chinese+Tenda+Wireless+Router+backdoor+allows+remote+command+execution.jpg' alt='Can A Wireless Router Be Hacked Free' title='Can A Wireless Router Be Hacked Free' />DDWRT is free Linuxbased firmware for several wireless routers, most notably the Linksys WRT54G including the WRT54GL and WRT54GS and Buffalo WHRG54s,WHRHPG54. Wikileaks unveils Cherry Blossom, a wireless router hacking tool created by CIA. Heres how to check if your wireless network router WiFi and its DNS is hacked. More details on the matter can be found right here. DLink Amplifi Wireless AC1200 Dual Band Router Deliver nextgeneration speeds to all of your wireless devices with the DLink AC1200 Dual Band Router. Encompassing. OurMine typically hacks people because, well, it can. The groups primary goal is demonstrating to companies that they have weak security. In this case, the hackers. Cracking a wireless network is defeating the security of a wireless localarea network wireless LAN. A commonly used wireless LAN is a WiFi network. Lizard Stresser Runs on Hacked Home Routers Krebs on Security. The online attack service launched late last year by the same criminals who knocked Sony and Microsofts gaming networks offline over the holidays is powered mostly by thousands of hacked home Internet routers, Krebs. On. Security. com has discovered. Just days after the attacks on Sony and Microsoft, a group of young hoodlums calling themselves the Lizard Squad took responsibility for the attack and announced the whole thing was merely an elaborate commercial for their new booter or stresser site a service designed to help paying customers knock virtually any site or person offline for hours or days at a time. As it turns out, that service draws on Internet bandwidth from hacked home Internet routers around the globe that are protected by little more than factory default usernames and passwords. The Lizard Stressers add on plans. Despite this sites claims, it is notsponsored by this author. In the first few days of 2. Krebs. On. Security was taken offline by a series of large and sustained denial of service attacks apparently orchestrated by the Lizard Squad. As I noted in a previous story, the booter service lizardstresserdotsu is hosted at an Internet provider in Bosnia that is home to a large number of malicious and hostile sites. That provider happens to be on the same bulletproof hosting network advertised by sp. Darkode. Until a few days ago, Darkode and Lizard. Stresser shared the same Internet address. Interestingly, one of the core members of the Lizard Squad is an individual who goes by the nickname Sp. On Jan. 4, Krebs. Sap Secure Login Library Installations. On. Security discovered the location of the malware that powers the botnet. Hard coded inside of that malware was the location of the Lizard. Stresser botnet controller, which happens to be situated in the same small swath Internet address space occupied by the Lizard. Stresser Web site 2. The malicious code that converts vulnerable systems into stresser bots is a variation on a piece of rather crude malware first documented in November by Russian security firm Dr. Web, but the malware itself appears to date back to early 2. Googles Chrome browser should auto translate that page for others, a Google translated copy of the Dr. Web writeup is here. As we can see in that writeup, in addition to turning the infected host into attack zombies, the malicious code uses the infected system to scan the Internet for additional devices that also allow access via factory default credentials, such as adminadmin, or root1. In this way, each infected host is constantly trying to spread the infection to new home routers and other devices accepting incoming connections via telnet with default credentials. The botnet is not made entirely of home routers some of the infected hosts appear to be commercial routers at universities and companies, and there are undoubtedly other devices involved. The preponderance of routers represented in the botnet probably has to do with the way that the botnet spreads and scans for new potential hosts. But there is no reason the malware couldnt spread to a wide range of devices powered by the Linux operating system, including desktop servers and Internet connected cameras. Krebs. On. Security had extensive help on this project from a team of security researchers who have been working closely with law enforcement officials investigating the Lizard. Squad. Those researchers, however, asked to remain anonymous in this story. The researchers who assisted on this project are working with law enforcement officials and ISPs to get the infected systems taken offline. This is not the first time members of Lizard. Squad have built a botnet. Shortly after their attack on Sony and Microsoft, the groups members came up with the brilliant idea to mess with the Tor network, an anonymity system that bounces users connections between multiple networks around the world, encrypting the communications at every step of the way. Their plan was to set up many hundreds of servers to act as Tor relays, and somehow use that access to undermine the integrity of the Tor network. This graphic reflects a sharp uptick in Tor relays stood up at the end of 2. Lizard Squad to mess with Tor. According to sources close to the Lizard. Squad investigation, the groups members used stolen credit cards to purchase thousands of instances of Googles cloud computing service virtual computing resources that can be rented by the day or longer. That scheme failed shortly after the bots were stood up, as Google quickly became aware of the activity and shut down the computing resources that were purchased with stolen cards. A Google spokesperson said he was not able to discuss specific incidents, noting only that, Were aware of these reports, and have taken the appropriate actions. Nevertheless, the incident was documented in several places, including this Pastebin post listing the Google bots that were used in the failed scheme, as well as a discussion thread on the Tor Project mailing list. ROUTER SECURITY 1. Wireless and wired Internet routers are very popular consumer devices, but few users take the time to make sure these integral systems are locked down tightly. Dont make that same mistake. Take a few minutes to review these tips for hardening your hardware. For starters, make sure you change the default credentials on the router. This is the username and password that were factory installed by the router maker. The administrative page of most commercial routers can be accessed by typing 1. Web browser address bar. If neither of those work, try looking up the documentation at the router makers site, or checking to see if the address is listed here. If you still cant find it, open the command prompt Start Runor Search for cmd and then enter ipconfig. The address you need should be next to Default Gateway under your Local Area Connection. If you dont know your routers default username and password, you can look it up here. Leaving these as is out of the box is a very bad idea. Most modern routers will let you change both the default user name and password, so do both if you can. But its most important to pick a strong password. When youve changed the default password, youll want to encrypt your connection if youre using a wireless router one that broadcasts your modems Internet connection so that it can be accessed via wireless devices, like tablets and smart phones. Onguardonline. gov has published some video how tos on enabling wireless encryption on your router. WPA2 is the strongest encryption technology available in most modern routers, followed by WPA and WEP the latter is fairly trivial to crack with open source tools, so dont use it unless its your only option. But even users who have a strong router password and have protected their wireless Internet connection with a strong WPA2 passphrase may have the security of their routers undermined by security flaws built into these routers. At issue is a technology called Wi Fi Protected Setup WPS that ships with many routers marketed to consumers and small businesses. According to the Wi Fi Alliance, an industry group, WPS is designed to ease the task of setting up and configuring security on wireless local area networks.