Drivers For Windows Vista 2007 Pc Russell' title='Drivers For Windows Vista 2007 Pc Russell' />Ford Sync Wikipedia. Ford Sync stylized Ford SYNC is a factory installed, integrated in vehicle communications and entertainment system that allows users to make hands free telephone calls, control music and perform other functions with the use of voice commands. The system consists of applications and user interfaces developed by Ford and other third party developers. The first two generations Ford Sync and My. Ford Touch run on the Windows Embedded Automotive operating system designed by Microsoft, while the third generation Sync 3 will run on the QNX software from Black. Berry Limited. 4Ford first announced the release of SYNC in January 2. Detroit International Auto Show. Torrentz domain names are for sale. Send an offer to contactinventoris. News, reviews, previews, tips, and downloads for multiple platforms. Having Trouble Installing Windows 7 By USB With Your GIGABYTE 100 Series Motherboard To use everything on this website, turn on cookies in your browser settings. Read why and how we use cookies. Learn how. SYNC was released into the retail market in 2. Ford installed the technology in twelve Ford group vehicles 2. North America. Ford has extended the warranty for Sync on several 2. Field Service Action Number 1. M0. 27On February 2. Ford ended the relationship with Microsoft for further development, as Sync is too costly, too slow, and too hard to use. OvervieweditFord president and CEOAlan Mulally and Microsoft chairman Bill Gates announced the SYNC partnership between Ford and Microsoft at the annual North American International Auto Show in January 2. WindowsLiveWriter/e012ecdc1f63_1460E/image_26.png' alt='Drivers For Windows Vista 2007 Pc Russell' title='Drivers For Windows Vista 2007 Pc Russell' />The Ford SYNC technology was promoted as a new product that provided drivers with the ability to operate Bluetooth enabled mobile phones and digital media players in their vehicles using voice commands, the vehicles steering wheel, and radio controls. Later, new technology was added to SYNC in which text messages received by the driver are vocalized by a digitized female voice device named Samantha. SYNCs text message function also has the ability to interpret approximately one hundred shorthand messages, such as LOL, and will read swear words, but does not decipher acronyms that have been considered by the designers to be obscene. In 2. 00. 7, as a standalone option, the suggested retail price for the SYNC was US3. CompatibilityeditCertain voice commands, such as Turn by turn directions, Vehicle Health Report, Weather and climate control commands are not available in some countries such as Canada due to compatibility issues. For example, many commands are not available because there is no French equivalent for a command in English. Ford Canada expects to address these issues in upcoming versions of the software after the issues are worked out in detail, but there does not appear to be a firm release date. Mobile integrationeditSYNC has various mobile integration capabilities, including Push to Talk on the steering wheel, wireless transfer of contacts between a mobile phone and the on board phone book, as well as various advanced calling features, such as caller ID, call waiting, conference calling, a caller log, a list of contacts, a signal strength icon, and a phone battery charge icon. Personal ring tones can also be assigned to identify specific callers. Audible SMS messageseditSYNC can convert a users SMS messages to audio and read them out loud to the user through the vehicles speaker system. This feature is carrier dependent as well as dependent on the device of the user. The feature is supported by several phone operating systems, including the i. Phone, most Android models, and the former Windows Mobile. This feature is also dependent on the phone support Bluetooth Message Access Profile. EntertainmenteditDigital music player supporteditSYNC can connect to popular digital music players via Bluetooth or a USB connection. Users can browse through music collections by genre, album, artist, and song title using voice commands. With certain devices, SYNC is also capable of playing protected content for example Zune Pass downloads, provided that usage rights on the device are current. Multilingual intelligenceeditSYNC is fluent in American English, French, Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. Applicationsedit9. AssisteditThe 9. Assist application places a direct call to a local 9. Before initiating the emergency 9. SYNC will provide a 1. If not manually cancelled within the 1. SYNC will place the emergency call. A pre recorded message will play when the call is answered, and occupants in the vehicle will then be able to communicate directly with the 9. App. LinkeditApp. Link allows i. Phone and Android based cellular devices to run approved applications using the cars buttons or voice commands. The first set of announced applications for the U. S. included Pandora Radio, Stitcher Radio, i. Heart. Radio, Open. Beak, NPR News, Slacker Radio, Tune. In Radio and Ford SYNC Destinations. Rhapsody announced App. Link capability of its Android based mobile app in January 2. Spotify was made available to i. Phone users in March 2. Applications for the U. K. market include mi. Roamer, Spotify, Personal Radio by AUPEO, Glympse, Event. Seeker, City. Seeker, Goal Live, Meople. Connector, Hear. Me. Out and Audioteka S. A. 1. 5Traffic, Directions and InformationeditTraffic, Directions and Information is an application that provides the user with traffic alerts, turn by turn directions and information about topics such as weather, sports, news and 4. Ford announced on May 2. Traffic, Directions and Information application would be free for three years to the original owner of 2. SYNC equipped vehicles. The information for traffic alerts and Turn By Turn Directions are provided by INRIX and Telenav. Vehicle Health ReportseditAfter setting their personal preferences online, users can access free car reports at any time using SYNC. This feature was released with SYNC version 2. All SYNC owners have access to upgrade to this version. Ford Work SolutionseditThe Ford Work Solution is a collection of technologies debuted in April 2. Ford Work Solutions is marketed towards professionals who buy the Ford F1. F Series Super Duty, E Series van and Transit Connect. Magneti Marelli developed the in dash computer system that is unique to trucks equipped with Ford Work Solutions. The applications included in the Ford Work Solution are Crew Chief, Garmin Nav, Mobile Office and Tool Link. Crew ChiefeditThe Crew Chief application provides real time vehicle location and maintenance tracking. Crew Chief can monitor numerous vehicle diagnostic functions including tire pressure, water in fuel, airbag faults and the check engine light. Users can also create alerts to monitor things such as excessive speeding. Garmin NavigationeditThe Garmin Navigation application provides capabilities including destination routing and locating points of interest. Log. Me. IneditThe Log. Me. In application allows users to remotely access an office computer using a data connection provided by Sprint. The user can open applications on the remote computer, make updates and print documents using a Ford certified, Bluetooth enabled keyboard and printer. Tool LinkeditTool Link is an application that enables a user to take physical inventory of objects present in the truck bed using radio frequency identification RFID tags. A user attaches RFID tags to an object, allowing the SYNC system to detect the objects presence or absence and noting the objects status on the in dash computer display. Users can create job lists of objects to verify that tools needed for a certain job are present in the truck before heading to a job site. At the end of the job, the system can inventory items in the truck to ensure that no tools are left on the job site. Restoring Factory Hard Drive Capacity. July 1. 9th, 2. 00. Author Dmitry Postrigan. Comments This article is a complete guide on recovering your hard drives factory capacity. At the end of this article there is a link to our program that recovers factory capacity of any hard drive. My hard drive has mysteriously became smaller How can I restore its full capacityThere are several common reasons of why your hard drive might lose some megabytes or even gigabytes Your Operating System does not support LBA4. You are mixing binary and decimal gigabytes. Your motherboard has created a hidden area on your hard drive to store a backup of the BIOS binaries. Your PCLaptop manufacturer has created a hidden area on your hard drive to store a backup of the Operating System installation files needed for automatic restore functionalityYou have used some software that sets HPA Host Protected Area, messes with DCO Device Configuration Overlay, or switches off LBA4. You have misplaced a jumper on the drive. There was Magic involved. Now I will go through these things one by one and provide some more details. Operating System does not support LBA 4. Windows 9. 5, Windows 9. Windows ME will not support big drives 1. GB even if you install all hotfixes. There are ways to get around this problem, but since these Operating Systems are rather rare nowadays, I do not see the point of writing about them. Windows 2. 00. 0, 2. XP do not support big drives by default you will have to install the latest service pack in order to get big drives working properly on these OS. Windows Vista does not have any issue with big drives. Binary and decimal gigabytes. Hard drive manufacturers use decimal gigabytes while operating systems use binary gigabytes. One decimal gigabyte contains 1 0. So, your 3. 00 GB hard drive will show up in Windows as a 2. GB hard drive. Motherboard creates HPAMotherboard can create a so called Host protected area on your hard drive to store its data. Usually this area is not bigger than 1. PCLaptop manufacturer creates HPAManufacturer of your PC can create a Host protected area on your hard drive to store an image of the original operating system and programs. This area is used when you want to restore the original state of your desktop PC or laptop without using CDDVD disks. Usually this area is quite large 8 2. GB. In this case, to restore the original capacity of the hard drive with the HDD Capacity Restore tool that we include in this article, you may need to remove the hard drive out of its original PClaptop and temporary attach it to another PC. This is needed because most BIOSes will disable HPADCO operations to ensure that nothing can reset or damage that hidden area. Software that has the ability to control HPA and DCOFor example, MHDD. This software allows you to set a Host protected area on your hard drive, so the hard drive will report less capacity to both BIOS and Operating System. MHDD can also access DCO Device Configuration Overlay, and that allows you to not only change hard drives capacity, but also switch some hard drive functions, such as LBA4. Security commands support and others. Some manufacturers for example, Dell and HP use DCO to reduce capacity for marketing needs. Example they need to ship 1. GB hard drives, but they only have 8. GB drives in stock. They will use their own DCO tools to lock capacity to 4. GB. Jumper settings that limit hard drive capacity. Most hard drives have a special jumper setting that allows you to limit their capacity to either 3. Magic cases. These include things like HDD firmware bugs believe me, there are plenty of them. Myers Briggs Test Results Intj Female. Also, sometimes a damaged Master Boot Record may cause the BIOS andor the Operating System to misdetect the true hard drive capacity. In this case you would need to use a zero fill tool. Sometimes a very broken hard drive may report wrong capacity. In this case there is nothing you can do about that. Solutions. Restoring factory capacity. Check jumpers. Consult with manufacturers instructions and set jumpers to the proper position. Check your OS, does it have all updates installed Check disk partitions. Run Windows Disk Management console and see if there is any free space that is not used by any partition. If steps 13 did not help, then we have a very cool tool that analyzes your hard drives LBA4. HPA and DCO status and recovers factory settings see below. HDD Capacity Restore Tool. Weve came up with a freeware tool that handles LBA4. HPA and DCO features. It does everything automatically it extracts the factory capacity then it restores the factory LBA4. HPA and DCO settings. Download HDD Capacity Restore Tool. Supported OS 3. 2 bit versions of Windows XPVista2. All you have to do is to run it and click Restore Capacity. The program will do the rest. Update May 2. 4, 2. Many people ask if this this tool formats the hard drive andor erases the data. No, it does not perform any kind of formatting furthermore it does not read from or write to the user data area at all including partition tables, boot records, etc. It only alters HDD firmware HPA and DCO settings. I strongly recommend to re power your computer before running this tool. That means, completely power off your computer then power on, start Windows and run the tool. If the tool fails to restore the original capacity, then the most common reason is that your motherboard is blocking HPA and DCO commands. You can check that by running BIOS Setup and looking for things like DCO or HPA. If nothing helps, try on another computer. If you are brave enough, you can also try the following run the program, select your hard drive, and then when you see the Restore Capacity button, re power your hard drive by detaching and re attaching its power cable. Warning you are doing this at your own risk After the program finishes working 32. PC, then wait 1. 02. I believe Ive covered everything. If I am missing anything, you are very welcome to leave a comment Good luck Atola Insight Forensic All in one forensic data recovery tool. In depth disk diagnostics, disk duplication and wiping, firmware and file recovery.