Windows Defender Event ID 5. Anyone else seeing this or know what the issue might be Ive noticed lately, on my HP Envy laptop see specs. Windows Defender Updates, I get two Event Id 5. Code integrity determined that the image hash of a file is not valid. The file could be corrupt due to unauthorized modification or the invalid hash could indicate a potential disk device error. Event xmlnshttp schemas. System lt Provider NameMicrosoft Windows Security Auditing Guid5. A5. BA 3. E3. B0. C3. 0D lt Event. ID 5. Event. I have come across a user having a problem with a faint white screen coming over their whole screen with the Not Responding error on top of the current. Stop installation Configuration Progress dialog when running Office 2007 or Office 2003 Applications. Fix Configuration Progress Continuous Loop. This post is a stepbystep guide to solve the error Event ID 10016 The applicationspecific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission. Sample report Custom viewsfilters Servers list, organized in groups Integration with EventID. Net Consolidated view for all logs Free for subscribers. ID lt Version 0lt Version lt Level 0lt Level lt Task 1. Task lt Opcode 0lt Opcode lt Keywords 0x. Keywords lt Time. Created System. Time2. T1. 7 5. 5 0. 7. Z lt Event. Record. ID 5. While it is possible to use the EventSource class in the. New Players Download Free 2013. NET framework without the Semantic Logging Application Block and Event Tracing for Windows ETW to write. Technical articles, content and resources for IT Professionals working in Microsoft technologies. Windows 10 Forums the biggest Windows 10 help and support forum, friendly help and many tutorials that will help you get the most out of Microsofts latest Operating. Event. Record. ID lt Correlation lt Execution Process. ID4 Thread. ID1. Channel Securitylt Channel lt Computer EAGLE HPlt Computer lt Security lt System lt Event. Data lt Data Nameparam. DeviceHarddisk. Volume. WindowsSystem. 32Mp. Engine. StoreMp. Kslfbb. Data lt Event. Data lt Event lt Event xmlnshttp schemas. System lt Provider NameMicrosoft Windows Security Auditing Guid5. A5. BA 3. E3. B0. C3. 0D lt Event. ID 5. Event. ID lt Version 0lt Version lt Level 0lt Level lt Task 1. Task lt Opcode 0lt Opcode lt Keywords 0x. Keywords lt Time. Created System. Time2. T1. 7 5. 5 0. 6. Z lt Event. Record. ID 5. Event. Record. ID lt Correlation lt Execution Process. ID4 Thread. ID4. Channel Securitylt Channel lt Computer EAGLE HPlt Computer lt Security lt System lt Event. Data lt Data Nameparam. DeviceHarddisk. Volume. Program. DataMicrosoftWindows DefenderDefinition Updates7. A4. 94. C8 D0. 93 4. CE8 9. D0. 0 5. A0. D5. 5AMp. Ksl. 65. Data lt Event. Data lt Event Note According to diskpart. EFI volume. I ran HPs EFI Diagnostics and it reports no issues. DISKPART list volume. Volume Ltr Label Fs Type Size Status Info Volume 0 E DVD ROM 0 B No Media. Volume 1 C Local NTFS Partition 6. GB Healthy Boot. Volume 2 D Local NTFS Partition 2. GB Healthy. Volume 3 EFI SYSTEM FAT3. Partition 5. 50 MB Healthy System. Things Ive done. HDD Tune Sea. Tools reports no issues with HDDChkdsk xfr reports no issues. Dism Sfc reports no issues. Defender Malwarebytes reports no issues rand full scans with both including rootkits for MBAdware reports no issues. Rkill reports no issues. TDSKiller reports no issues.