Windows/Integrer%20driver%20SATA%20dans%20CD%20XP/1.Recuperation%20du%20driver%20SATA%20pour%20votre%20carte%20mere/0.Site%20Web%20-%20Driver%20SATA.png' alt='How To Add Sata Drivers To Windows Xp Installation Step' title='How To Add Sata Drivers To Windows Xp Installation Step' />How to physically install, set jumper settings, and set up a Serial ATA, EIDE, or SSD drive in Windows. Windows 2. 00. 0The Windows 2. Operating System has all the necessary tools to properly install a Serial ATA SATA hard drive or EIDE hard drive. Please note that we do not support our Solid State drives SSD on this operating system. Please follow the appropriate step by step instructions for your installation below. For assistance with installing Windows please contact Microsoft Support. Installing a SATA Hard Drive on Windows 2. Single Install For proper installation of a drive using Windows 2. Step by step instructions follow below Insert the Windows 2. CD into the CD ROM drive and restart the system. When installing Windows 2. Serial ATA drive, you may need to specify the SATA controller drivers early on during the installation. For specific details, see Answer ID 1. I run an XP SP3 PC whose technology was all stateoftheart c. ECS G31TM mainboard with 4GBs of upgraded overclocked Kingston PC26400 memory. MDGx AXCEL216 MAX Speed Performance Windows 10 2012 8. Vista 2003 XP SP1 SP2 SP3 ME 2000 98 SE OSR2 OSR1 95 NT4 NT 3. DOS 6 Tricks Secrets Tips. Configuring bootable NVIDIA RAID array for a Windows XPWindows XP 64bit Edition installation. This article will explain how to configure a bootable NVIDIA RAID. Error message No mass storage device found is reported during installation of Windows 2. XP, Vista, or 7. During the installation process, you will be given the option to create partitions. Create the partition size you want by pressing C when prompted. Continue with the installation of Windows 2. Adding Second Drive Click the Start button and then access Control Panel Administrative Tools Computer Management Storage Disk Management. The Write Signature Upgrade Wizard displays. Using Write Signature Upgrade Wizard Click Next on the first screen, and then select the drive you wish to install in this case Disk 1. Select the drive you are writing the signature to. On the next screen, select the drive you are upgradinginstalling. The next screen shows the drive you have selected to write the signature to if this is a new drive install only a signature will be written, making the drive a Basic Disk. PartitioningFormatting Once the above step is complete, right click in the unallocated space of the drive. Click on Create Partition. The Create Partition wizard is displayed. Click Next to continue. On the next screen select Primary, Extended or a Logical Partition and click Next to continue. Assign a drive letter not in use by other devices. Click Next to continue. Select the type of format NTFS or FAT3. How To Add Sata Drivers To Windows Xp Installation Step' title='How To Add Sata Drivers To Windows Xp Installation Step' />Leave allocation unit size at default and label the drive as desired. Edit the partition size. If using FAT3. 2, dont create anything larger than 3. GB. Click Finish when complete. Return to Top. Installing an EIDE PATA hard drive on Windows 2. Verify the following prior to installing the drive in Windows 2. You will need your Windows 2. CD ROM if installing a single drive. Make sure that your system BIOS is properly configured. See below BIOS Settings. Typically, a message is displayed on the screen after the memory count of the boot process telling you how to enter Setup system BIOS. Different BIOSs may be configured differently, but the primary keystrokes used to enter the system BIOS are F1, F2 or Delete. For additional commonly used commands to access your BIOS, see For specific information on how to enter your system BIOS and make the necessary changes referred to above, please consult your motherboard or system manual, or the manufacturer directly. Set the system BIOS to auto detect the drive with LBA mode enabled. Older systems may hang or freeze while auto detecting large capacity drives. If this situation occurs, set the drive to User and enter 1. Cylinders, 1. 6 for Heads, 6. Sectors, and disable LBA mode. Eclipse Uml How To Install here. Your BIOS may have more settings than Cylinders, Heads, and Sectors if so, simply enter 0 for them. For other options see. Single Install. For proper installation of a drive using Windows 2. Step by step instructions follow below. Make sure that your drive is recognized by the BIOS. Insert the Windows 2. CD into the CD ROM drive and restart the system. During the installation process, you will be given the option to create partitions. Create the partition size you want by pressing C when prompted. Continue with the installation of Windows 2. Adding Second Drive Make sure that your drive is recognized by the BIOS. Click the Start button and then access Control Panel Administrative Tools Computer Management Storage Disk Management. The Write Signature Upgrade Wizard displays. Using Write Signature Upgrade Wizard Click Next on the first screen, select the drive you wish to installin this case Disk 1. Select the drive you are writing the signature to. On the next screen, select the drive you are upgradinginstalling. The next screen shows the drive you have selected to write the signature to if this is a new drive install only a signature will be written, making the drive a Basic Disk. PartitioningFormatting Once the disk is initialized, right click in the unallocated space. Left click on Create Partition from the menu. A new wizard will appear Create Partition Wizard. Left click on Next to continue. On the next screen select either Primary or Extended Partition and left click on Next to continue. Enter the desired partition size. If using FAT3. 2, your partition cannot be larger than 3. GB. Left click on Next to continue. You may assign a drive letter that is not in use by other devices if you wish, then left click on Next to continue. Select the type of format NTFS or FAT3. Leave the allocation unit size at default and label the drive as desired. Select the checkbox labeled Perform a quick format and then left click on Next to continue. Left click on Finish when done.