SecurityStudy. Im using Windows and Virtualbox with RedHat, putting it simple Ive created a shared folder so I can use Eclipse on my Windows OS and do some testing in Linux. Storia e leggenda hotels e ristoranti arte e letteratura. VMware v. Evangelist. I spent some time this weekend working with v. Cloud Director 5. How To Install Kernel Headers Fedora 17 Mounting' title='How To Install Kernel Headers Fedora 17 Mounting' />Sphere 6 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux v. Appguest customization. Im not a nix guru but Im comfortable enough with legacy versions of RHEL 5 and 6 as Ive worked with them quite a bit, particularly for v. RtxKU1w/UP9ECop5FCI/AAAAAAAAFZg/nw8HLJYzkQ4/s1600/4.PNG' alt='How To Install Kernel Headers Fedora 17 Mounting' title='How To Install Kernel Headers Fedora 17 Mounting' />Sphere applications and solutions such as v. Cloud Director to provide just one example. Quite honestly internet research or peer networking provides supplemental knowledge for whatever I cant figure out. However I hadnt spent much time with RHEL 7. There are some new twists and this blog post is an attempt to document what Ive uncovered to answer questions and hopefully save myself some time in the future. If youre in a hurry, skip to the Tying It All Together section at the end. Sphere Templates and v. Cloud v. App Templates. When it comes to v. Sphere templates that I use myself, Ill bake in commonly utilized software packages, patches, as well as tweaks and best practices. However, when it comes to shared v. App Templates in a v. Cloud Catalog, I employ more of a purist philosophy to minimize issues or questions raised regarding the DNA of the OS build Im sharing with the organization which serves as their base starting point for their v. App. Aside from installing VMware Tools, my Windows 2. R2 v. App is about as vanilla as it gets. The same can be said for my RHEL 5 and RHEL 6 v. Apps. When I applied that same approach to RHEL 7, thats where some noticeable changes became apparent. The RHEL 7 Minimal Install. The mere existence of this blog post stems from here. The default installation of RHEL 7 is a Minimal Install. While its not encumbered with extra software that may never be used depending on the servers role, its also missing packages commonly installed in the past. Some of which are core dependencies in a virtualized datacenter. However, not knowing this, I gladly accepted the opportunity of a minimalist installation. And thats exactly what I got. VMware Tools. After completing a rather uneventful RHEL 7 installation, typically the first and last order of business is to install VMware Tools. Those who attempt it on RHEL 7 as well as other newer versions of ix such as Cent. OS 7 will be greeted with rather stern wording that VMware Tools should be avoided and rather the OS provided open vm tools should be used instead. VMware support of open vm tools 2. Its not that you cant install VMware Tools on RHEL 7, you can, but VMware is not recommending it at this point. In the previously linked KB article VMware recommends using open vm tools redistributed by operating system vendors. VMware fully supportsVMware aids in the development ofVMware does not recommend removing open vm tools redistributed by operating system vendors. Those who choose to install VMware Tools anyway on a RHEL 7 Minimal Install will soon discover that they cannot do so without installing some additional support RHEL 7 packages. VMware Tools cannot be installed on RHEL 7 due to missing ifconfig 2. Id also argue that youre going to need to install supporting PERL packages to execute the usrbinvmware config tools. RHEL 7 Minimal Install. More on that a little later but for now, the other packages that are needed can be installed as follows yum install perl gcc make kernel headers kernel devel y. Creating A Local DVD Repository For YUMWithout a Red Hat subscription I fall into this category, or the networking means to reach your subscription on the internet, youll need to rely on your RHEL 7 DVD or. In order to access these packages, youll need to mount the DVD and create a local DVD repository. Mounting the DVD mount devcdrom mntCreating the local DVD repository is slightly more involved but the steps are easy to follow. Create the file etcyum. The file should contain the following text rhel. The local DVD repository is now available and its existence can now be queried note that it only remains available for as long as the RHEL 7 DVD is mounted yum repolist all. An example of installing a yum package is shown above although it does not always require the use of sudo. Open VM Tools. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Guest Operating System Installation Guide documents the process of installing open vm tools. Remember that open vm tools is distributed by the OS vendor so everything you need from that respect is available from the RHEL 7 DVD and the local DVD repository created above. That said, installing open vm tools is straightforward yum install open vm tools. Verify open vm tools has been installed in the guest yum search open vm tools. With open vm tools installed, the guest now has the following v. Sphere feature functionality Synchronization of the guest OS clock with the virtualization platform. Enables the virtual infrastructure to perform graceful power operations shut down and file system quiescing of the virtual machine. Provides a heartbeat from guest to the virtualization infrastructure to support v. Sphere High Availability HAPublishes information about the guest OS to the virtualization platform, including resource utilization and networking information. Provides a secure and authenticated mechanism to perform various operations within the guest OS from the virtualization infrastructure. Accepts additional plug ins that can extend or customize open vm tools functionality. Guest customization and the deploy. Pkg Tools Plug in. Looking at the bulleted list above, a number of features are provided by open vm tools. Unfortunately guest customization isnt one of them guest customization is typically used in deploying templates in v. Sphere as well as deploying available v. Apps from a v. Cloud Director catalog. At this point if you attempt to clone a RHEL 7 guest with open vm tools, youll get the exact same VM over and over again with no unique guest customization. The last bullet speaks to a plug in architecture for which a guest customization plug in is available from VMware called the deploy. Pkg Tools Plug in. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Guest Operating System Installation Guide talks about the plug in and while it appears to provide the installation instructions, its missing a few required steps for installing the VMware Packaging Public Keys so refer to Installing the deploy. Pkg plug in in a Linux virtual machine 2. In this process, yum will be used to install a package available via the internet from VMware instead of from the local DVD repository described previously. Download the two VMware Packaging Public Keys from VMware at http packages. Copy them to tmp on the RHEL 7 guest. Import each of the two keys thats a double dash in front of import rpm import tmpVMWARE PACKAGING GPG DSA KEY. VMWARE PACKAGING GPG RSA KEY. Create the yum repository by creating a file called etcyum. VMware Toolsbaseurl http packages. Execute the commandsudo yum install open vm tools deploypkg. Followed bysudo systemctl restart vmtoolsd. At this point, both open vm tools from Red Hat as well as open vm tools deploypkg from VMware have been installed and guest customization should work and youd be done, exceptRHEL 7 Guest Customization Fails Because The Minimal Install Is Missing PERLUnder the RHEL 7 Minimal Install, guest customization still does not produce unique VMs during a cloning process. Taking a look at the clone in varlogvmware imctools. Deploy. Pkg. log, I noticed the following Launching deployment usrbinperl Itmp. Xem Phim Me Ke 2 Tap 6 on this page.