Fedora 2. 6 is here Fedora MagazineThis message comes from the desk of the Fedora Project Leader directly. Happy release day Ed. Midi Usb Driver Windows 7 64 here. Hi everyone Im incredibly proud to announce the immediate availability of Fedora 2. Read more below, or just jump to download from If youre already using Fedora, you can upgrade from the command line or using GNOME Software upgrade instructions here. Weve put a lot of work into making upgrades easy and fast. In most cases, this will take half an hour or so, bringing you right back to a working system with no hassle. Whats new in Fedora 2. First, of course, we have thousands of improvements from the various upstream software we integrate, including new development tools like GCC 7, Golang 1. Python 3. 6. Weve added a new partitioning tool to Anaconda the Fedora installer the existing workflow is great for non experts, but this option will be appreciated by enthusiasts and sysadmins who like to build up their storage scheme from basic building blocks. F2. 6 also has many under the hood improvements, like better caching of user and group info and better handling of debug information. And the DNF package manager is at a new major version 2. Really, theres new stuff everywhere read more in the release notes. StartDolphinFileManager.png' alt='Install Vmware Tools In Fedora 22 Kde' title='Install Vmware Tools In Fedora 22 Kde' />So many Fedora optionsFedora Workstation is built on GNOME now version 3. If youre interested in other popular desktop environments like KDE, Xfce, Cinnamon, and more, check out Fedora Spins. Or, for versions of Fedora tailored to special use cases like Astronomy, Design, Security, or Robotics, see Fedora Labs. STEM teachers, take advantage of the new Python Classroom, which makes it a breeze to set up an instructional environment with Vagrant, Docker containers, a Live USB image, or traditional installation. If you want a Fedora environment to build on in EC2, Open. Stack, and other cloud environments, theres the Fedora Cloud Base. Plus, weve got network installers, other architectures like Power and aarch. Bit. Torrent links, and more at Fedora Alternative Downloads. And, not to be forgotten if youre looking to put Fedora on a Raspberry Pi or other ARM device, get images from the Fedora ARM page. Whew Fedora makes a lot of stuff I hope theres something for everyone in all of that, but if you dont find what you want, you can Join the Fedora Project and work with us to create it. Our mission is to build a platform which enables contributors and other developers to solve all kinds of user problems, on our foundations of Freedom, Friendship, Features, and First. If the problem you want to solve isnt addressed, Fedora can help you fix that. GGs6wN4tJ4/maxresdefault.jpg' alt='Install Vmware Tools In Fedora 22 Kde' title='Install Vmware Tools In Fedora 22 Kde' />Coming soon. Meanwhile, we have many interesting things going on in Fedora behind the scenes. Stay tuned later this week for Fedora Boltron, a preview of a new way to put together Fedora Server from building blocks which move at different speeds. What if my dev stack was a rolling release on a stable base Or, could I get the benefits from base platform updates while keeping my web server and database at known versions Were also working on a big continuous integration project focused on Fedora Atomic, automating testing so developers can work rapidly without breaking things for others. Thanks to the whole Fedora community Altogether, Im confident that this is the best Fedora release ever yet again. Thats because of the dedication, hard work, and love from thousands of Fedora contributors every year. Tools/installVMWareToolsLinuxMint13KDE/installVMWareToolsLinuxMint13KDE-openOnDolphin.jpg' alt='Install Vmware Tools In Fedora 22 Kde' title='Install Vmware Tools In Fedora 22 Kde' />Compares Linux distributions major, minor, regional in simple table format. Information such as price, support, documentation, included packages. Howto install gcc and development tools on Centos 7. RHEL, install gcc on Centos 7, install development tools on Centos 7, install gcc on RHEL 7. There are two kinds of people in this world impossibly organized saints. Chrome at any given time. Sure, keeping. To run require libcurldev or libcurldevelon rpm linux based git clone httpsgithub. CoolerVoid0d1n need libcurl to run sudo aptget install libcurldev. This is truly an amazing community project from an amazing group of people. This time around, thanks are particularly due to everyone from quality assurance and release engineering who worked over the weekend and holidays to get Fedora 2. Oh, and one more thing in the human world, even the best release ever cant be perfect. There are always corner cases and late breaking issues. Check out Common F2. Bugs if you run into something strange. If you find a problem, help us make things better. But mostly, enjoy this awesome new release. Matthew Miller, Fedora Project Leader.