Planet Sys. Admin System Administration, Information Technology, Information Security. Introduction. I work a number of Open. Stack based projects. In order to make sure they work. I need to test them against an Open. Stack environment. Its usually. not a good idea to test on a production environment since mistakes and bugs. So the next best option is to create an Open. Stack environment strictly for. This blog post will describe how to create such an. Where to Run Open. Veritas Backup Exec is a data protection software product designed for customers who have mixed physical and virtual environments, and who are moving to public cloud. The database recognizes 1,746,000 software titles and delivers updates for your software including minor upgrades. Browse our full list of certification exams that are supported through exam dumps. Pass your test in record speed with our dumps featuring latest questions and answers. A web site about system administration tasks. Windows, Unix, SQL, VMware, Openview, Linux resources, technical articles, tips, tricks and solutions. Stack. The first topic of consideration is where to run Open. Stack. Virtual. Box. At a minimum, you can install Virtual. Box on your workstation and create a. This is quick, easy, and free. However, youre limited to the. Installing Exchange Agent Backup Exec 2010 Sql Server' title='Installing Exchange Agent Backup Exec 2010 Sql Server' />For example, if your laptop only has 4. GB of. memory and two cores, Open. Stack is going to run slow. AWSAnother option is to use AWS. While AWS offers a free tier, its restricted. I think to the t. This flavor only supports 1 v. CPU, which is. is usually worse than your laptop. Larger instances will cost anywhere from. It can get expensive. However, AWS offers spot instances. These are virtual machines that cost a. This is possible because spot instances. Amazons cloud. The catch is that your virtual. You certainly dont want to do this for production well, you can, and thats. With Spot Instances, you can run an m. CPUs and 1. 6GB of memory, for 0. Installing Exchange Agent Backup Exec 2010 Sql' title='Installing Exchange Agent Backup Exec 2010 Sql' />An afternoon of work will cost you. Well worth the cost of 4 v. CPUs and 1. 6GB of memory, in my opinion. Spot Pricing is constantly changing. Make sure you check the current price before you begin working. And make sure. you do not leave your virtual machine running indefinitelySBS 2003 running Backup Exec 10 crashed and died. Created a new Server running 2008 and Backup exec 12. I attached the drive with the backup files to the. Please VOTE as HELPFUL if the post helps you and remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if. Other Spot Pricing Clouds. Both Google and Azure offer spot instances, however, I have not had time to try. I cant comment. Your Own Cloud. The best resource is your own cloud. Maybe you already have a home lab set up. This way, you can have a large. Provisioning a Virtual Machine. Once you have your location sorted out, you need to decide how to interact with. At a minimum, you can use the standard GUI or console that the cloud provides. This works, but its a hassle to have to manually go through all settings each. Its always best to test with. Manually setting up virtual machines will get tedious and is prone to. Therefore, its better to use a tool to automate the process. Terraform. Terraform is a tool that enables you to. Think of it like Puppet or Chef, but for. I highly recommend Terraform for this, though I admit I am biased because I. Terraform project. Deploying to AWSAs a reference example, Ill show how to use Terraform to deploy to AWS. Before. you begin, make sure you have a valid AWS account and you have gone through the. Terraform intro. Theres some irony about using AWS to deploy Open. Stack. However, some. Open. Stack cloud to deploy to. Please. dont turn this into a political discussion. On your workstation, open a terminal and make a directory pwd. Next, generate an SSH key pair pwd. N f idrsa. Next, create a main. Start by creating a key pair provider aws. With that in place, run terraform init. Next, create a Security Group. This will allow traffic in and out of the virtual machine. Add the following. Allow all inboundoutbound traffic. Note Dont include the. Its used to highlight what has been added to the. With that in place, run terraform plan. If you log in to your AWS console through a browser, you can see that the key. You can easily destroy and recreate these resources at will terraform plan. Finally, create a virtual machine. Add the following to main. Allow all inboundoutbound traffic. Name Open. Stack Test Infra. Above, an awssportinstancerequest. This will launch a Spot Instance using the parameters we. Its important to note that the awsspotinstancerequest resource also takes. The ami being used is the latest Cent. OS 7 AMI published in the us west 2. You can see the list of AMIs here. Make sure you use the correct AMI for the region youre deploying to. Notice how this resource is referencing the other resources you created the key. Additionally, notice how youre specifying a. This is helpful to limit the amount of money that will be spent. You can get an accurate price by going to the. Pricing History. Again, make sure you are looking at the. An output was also added to the main. This will print out the. IP address of the AWS instance when Terraform completes. Amazon limits the amount of spot instances you can launch at any given time. You might find that if you create, delete, and recreate a spot instance too. Terraform will give you an error. This is Amazon telling you to wait. You can open a support ticket with AmazonAWS and ask for a larger spot quota to. I asked for the ability to launch 5 spot instances at. This took around two. With all of this in place, run Terraform When it has completed, you should see output similar to the following Outputs. You should now be able to SSH to the instance ssh i keyidrsa centos5. And there you have it You now have access to a Cent. OS virtual machine to. Open. Stack with. Installing Open. Stack. There are numerous ways to install Open. Stack. Given that the purpose of this. Open. Stack environment for testing, lets. Dev. Stack. Dev. Stack provides an easy way of. Its mainly used to test the. Open. Stack source code. Because of that, it can buggy. Ive found that. even when using Dev. Stack to deploy a stable version of Open. Stack, there were. Dev. Stack failed to complete. Given that it takes approximately two. European Bus Simulator 2012 Download Crack Euro. Dev. Stack to install, having the installation fail has just wasted two. Additionally, Dev. Stack isnt suitable to run on a virtual machine which might. When testing an application that uses Open. Stack, its possible that the. So for these reasons, I wont use Dev. Stack here. Thats not to say that Dev. Stack. isnt a suitable tool after all, its used as the core of all Open. Stack. testing. Pack. Stack. Pack. Stack is also able to. Open. Stack environment. Rather than building. Open. Stack from source, it leverages RDO packages. Puppet. Pack. Stack is also beneficial because it will install the latest stable release. Open. Stack. If you are developing an application that end users will use. Open. Stack cloud based on a stable. Installing Open. Stack with Pack. Stack. The Pack. Stack home page has all. Here are all. of the steps compressed into a shell script binbash. Network. Manager. Network. Manager. Open. Stack Pike is available at the time of this writing, however, I have not. Therefore, Ill be using. Ocata. Save the file as something like deploy. Consider using a tool like tmux or screen after logging into your remote. This will ensure the deploy. The process will take approximately 3. When its finished, youll now have a usable all in one environment sudo su. Testing with Open. Stack. Now that Open. Stack is up and running, you can begin testing with it. Lets say you want to add a new feature to Gophercloud. First, you need to install Go yum install y wget. O usrlocalbingimme https raw. GOPATHHOMEgo. export PATHPATH GOROOTbin GOPATHbin. To make those commands permanent, add the following to your. GOPATHHOMEgo. export PATHPATH GOROOTbin GOPATHbin. Next, install Gophercloud go get github. In order to run Gophercloud acceptance tests, you need to have several. These are described here. It would be tedious to set each variable for each test or each time you log. Therefore, embed the variables into the.