Office Customization Tool OCT reference for Office 2. Customize how Office features are installed on the users computer. To change the installation state of a feature, choose Set feature installation states in the OCT. In the results pane, open the shortcut menu or right click the feature, and choose the installation state. Some parent features consist of multiple child features. Choose the plus sign that is next to the parent feature to expand the tree and view child features. Microsoft Word The Requested Reference Is Empty In Sql' title='Microsoft Word The Requested Reference Is Empty In Sql' />When you change the installation state of a feature, the name of the feature and the names of all its child features, if any, are displayed in bold font. This indicates that Setup will apply these changes to the installation. Features that are not displayed in bold font are installed by using the default installation state. To remove a change, select the feature and select the Reset option or select the feature and choose the Reset Branch button. The following feature installation states are typically available to users during Setup. Not all installation states are available for every feature. For example, if a feature contains a component that cannot be advertised, Installed on First Use is not included in the list of available installation states for that feature. Feature installation states. State. Description. What version of SQL Server do I have This unofficial build chart lists all of the known Service Packs SP, Cumulative Updates CU, patches, hotfixes and other. Advanced Tips. If you have the ADOdb C extension installed, you can replace your calls to rsMoveNext with adodbmovenextrs. This doubles the speed of this. Sphinx is a fulltext search engine, publicly distributed under GPL version 2. Commercial licensing eg. Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB supports querying documents using SQL Structured Query Language as a JSON query language. Cosmos DB is truly schemafree. By virtue of its. One of the most requested features for the Lync Environment Report package has always been support for custom Word document templates. I wrote the capability to. The. NET API Reference documentation has a new home. Visit the. NET API Browser on docs. Splits a string into substrings based. The content you requested has already been retired. It is available to download on this page. SummaryExplains how to use the Office Customization Tool OCT to customize Windows Installerbased Office 2013 installations. Run from My Computer. Setup copies files and writes registry entries and shortcuts that are associated with the feature to the users hard disk. The application or feature runs locally. Run All from My Computer. Same as Run from My Computer, except all child features that belong to the feature are also set to this state. Installed on First Use. Setup leaves components for the feature and its child features in the local installation source until the user attempts to use the feature for the first time, at which time the components are installed. This is also known as an advertised feature. Not Available. The components for the feature and the child features that belong to this feature are not installed on the computer. Note. The Not Available installation state is reversible. Ms Visio Pro 2013 X86 Multilingual Education on this page. When Not Available is set, a feature will not be installed. However, the feature can later be installed locally by using an. Config. xml file. To unlock and install a feature locally, you can edit the Config. Option. State element, as described in the note for the Locked feature state description. For more information about the Config. Config. xml file reference for Office 2. You can also use the OCT to create an. To do this, choose Set feature installation states in the navigation pane. In the details pane, choose a feature, and then from its shortcut menu, choose Run All from My Computer. For more information, see Set feature installation states in Office Customization Tool OCT reference for Office 2. Note. The following subcomponents of Publisher 2. Setup feature installation state tree in the Office 2. Commercial Printing and the Enhanced RGB to CMYK Conversion subcomponent. Font Schemes. Paper. Direct Previews. Publisher Templates and the Business Publications and Other Publications subcomponents. The following options are also available for each feature. Feature options. Option. Description. Hidden. Setup does not display the feature in the feature tree during installation if Setup runs interactively. The symbol H is prepended to the feature name to indicate the feature is hidden. Locked. The installation state that you choose for this feature cannot be changed by the user during installation or in maintenance mode after Office is installed. The symbol L is prepended to the feature name to indicate the feature is locked. Note. The Locked option is reversible. If you set the Locked option for a feature by using the OCT or the Config. Config. xml file at a later date. For example, you can edit the Config. Option. State element as shown in the following example. This adds the Option. State element line to install the feature in this case, Access 2. To edit the Config. Option. State element, open the Config. WW folder, for example, Pro. Plus. WW for the Office 2. Use a text editor tool, such as Notepad, to modify the file. Locate the line in the Config. Option. State element lt lt Option. State IdOption. ID Stateabsent Childrenforce Modify the Option. State element as follows and then save the Config. Option. State IdACCESSFiles Statelocal Childrenforce For information about the Option. State element, see Config. Office 2. 01. 3. You can also use the OCT to create an. To do this, choose Set feature installation states in the navigation pane. In the details pane, choose a feature, and then from its shortcut menu, choose Run All from My Computer. For more information, see Set feature installation states in Office Customization Tool OCT reference for Office 2. Reset. The feature is returned to its default installation state. This is the same as selecting the feature and choosing the Reset Branch button. If you explicitly set a feature to its default state, the symbol F is prepended to the feature name to indicate that the feature will be forced into this state. This is useful if you are creating a Setup customization file to change an existing Office installation. If you do not change the installation state of a feature, Setup does not change the feature on the users computer. If you specify a change, including setting the feature to its default state, Setup ensures that the feature is set to that state on the users computer. When you change the installation state of a feature, Setup might change the installation state of a parent or child feature to match the installation state. For example, if you set a parent feature to Installed on First Use, but set a child feature to Run from My Computer, Setup also changes the state of the parent feature to Run from My Computer. Setup does not display hidden features in the feature tree when users run Setup interactively. The feature is installed according to its defined installation state. Child features that belong to the hidden feature are also hidden. If you set a feature to Not Available and hide the feature in the feature tree, users can still change the setting and install the feature by installing the parent feature or by running Setup in maintenance mode. For example, if you set the Name Smart Tag Plugin feature to Not Available and Hidden, users can still install the feature by setting the parent Smart Tags Plugins feature to Run All from My Computer. If you want to help prevent users from installing hidden features, select the Not Available, Hidden, and Locked installation states. In this case, the feature or application is not installed and is not available in maintenance mode. Users cannot install the feature by changing the state of the parent feature. The only way to reverse the Not Available, Hidden, and Locked installation state selection after Office is installed is to use the OCT to create a Setup customization file that is configured to change the installation state of the feature. Then you apply the customization file to the users computer. SQL queries for Azure Cosmos DB Document. DB APIMicrosoft Azure Cosmos DB supports querying documents using SQL Structured Query Language as a JSON query language. Cosmos DB is truly schema free. By virtue of its commitment to the JSON data model directly within the database engine, it provides automatic indexing of JSON documents without requiring explicit schema or creation of secondary indexes. While designing the query language for Cosmos DB, we had two goals in mind Instead of inventing a new JSON query language, we wanted to support SQL. SQL is one of the most familiar and popular query languages. Cosmos DB SQL provides a formal programming model for rich queries over JSON documents. As a JSON document database capable of executing Java. Script directly in the database engine, we wanted to use Java. Scripts programming model as the foundation for our query language. The Document. DB API SQL is rooted in Java. Scripts type system, expression evaluation, and function invocation. This in turn provides a natural programming model for relational projections, hierarchical navigation across JSON documents, self joins, spatial queries, and invocation of user defined functions UDFs written entirely in Java. Script, among other features. We believe that these capabilities are key to reducing the friction between the application and the database and are crucial for developer productivity. We recommend getting started by watching the following video, where Aravind Ramachandran shows Cosmos DBs querying capabilities, and by visiting our Query Playground, where you can try out Cosmos DB and run SQL queries against our dataset. Then, return to this article, where we start with a SQL query tutorial that walks you through some simple JSON documents and SQL commands. Getting started with SQL commands in Cosmos DBTo see Cosmos DB SQL at work, lets begin with a few simple JSON documents and walk through some simple queries against it. Consider these two JSON documents about two families. With Cosmos DB, we do not need to create any schemas or secondary indices explicitly. We simply need to insert the JSON documents to a Cosmos DB collection and subsequently query. Here we have a simple JSON document for the Andersen family, the parents, children and their pets, address, and registration information. The document has strings, numbers, Booleans, arrays, and nested properties. Document. id Andersen. Family. last. Name Andersen. Name Thomas. Name Mary Kay. Name Henriette Thaulow. Name Fluffy. WA, county King, city seattle. Date 1. 43. 16. Registered true. Heres a second document with one subtle difference given. Name and family. Name are used instead of first. Name and last. Name. Document. id Wakefield. Family. family. Name Wakefield, given. Name Robin. Name Miller, given. Name Ben. children. Name Merriam. Name Jesse. Name Goofy. Name Shadow. Name Miller. given. Name Lisa. gender female. NY, county Manhattan, city NY. Date 1. 43. 16. Registered false. Now lets try a few queries against this data to understand some of the key aspects of Document. DB API SQL. For example, the following query returns the documents where the id field matches Andersen. Family. Since its a SELECT, the output of the query is the complete JSON document Query. SELECT FROM Families f. WHERE f. id Andersen. Family. id Andersen. Family. last. Name Andersen. Name Thomas. Name Mary Kay. Name Henriette Thaulow, gender female, grade 5. Name Fluffy. WA, county King, city seattle. Date 1. 43. 16. Registered true. Now consider the case where we need to reformat the JSON output in a different shape. This query projects a new JSON object with two selected fields, Name and City, when the address city has the same name as the state. In this case, NY, NY matches. Query. SELECT Name f. City f. address. AS Family. FROM Families f. WHERE f. Family. Name Wakefield. Family. City NY. The next query returns all the given names of children in the family whose id matches Wakefield. Family ordered by the city of residence. Query. SELECT c. given. Name. FROM Families f. JOIN c IN f. children. WHERE f. id Wakefield. Family. ORDER BY f. ASC. given. Name Jesse. Name Lisa. We would like to draw attention to a few noteworthy aspects of the Cosmos DB query language through the examples weve seen so far Since Document. DB API SQL works on JSON values, it deals with tree shaped entities instead of rows and columns. Therefore, the language lets you refer to nodes of the tree at any arbitrary depth, like Node. Node. 2. Node. 3. Nodem, similar to relational SQL referring to the two part reference of lt table. The structured query language works with schema less data. Therefore, the type system needs to be bound dynamically. The same expression could yield different types on different documents. The result of a query is a valid JSON value, but is not guaranteed to be of a fixed schema. Cosmos DB only supports strict JSON documents. This means the type system and expressions are restricted to deal only with JSON types. Refer to the JSON specification for more details. A Cosmos DB collection is a schema free container of JSON documents. The relations in data entities within and across documents in a collection are implicitly captured by containment and not by primary key and foreign key relations. This is an important aspect worth pointing out in light of the intra document joins discussed later in this article. Cosmos DB indexing. Before we get into the Document. DB API SQL syntax, it is worth exploring the indexing design in Cosmos DB. The purpose of database indexes is to serve queries in their various forms and shapes with minimum resource consumption like CPU and inputoutput while providing good throughput and low latency. Often, the choice of the right index for querying a database requires much planning and experimentation. This approach poses a challenge for schema less databases where the data doesnt conform to a strict schema and evolves rapidly. Therefore, when we designed the Cosmos DB indexing subsystem, we set the following goals Index documents without requiring schema The indexing subsystem does not require any schema information or make any assumptions about schema of the documents. Support for efficient, rich hierarchical, and relational queries The index supports the Cosmos DB query language efficiently, including support for hierarchical and relational projections. Support for consistent queries in face of a sustained volume of writes For high write throughput workloads with consistent queries, the index is updated incrementally, efficiently, and online in the face of a sustained volume of writes. The consistent index update is crucial to serve the queries at the consistency level in which the user configured the document service. Support for multi tenancy Given the reservation based model for resource governance across tenants, index updates are performed within the budget of system resources CPU, memory, and inputoutput operations per second allocated per replica. Storage efficiency For cost effectiveness, the on disk storage overhead of the index is bounded and predictable.