ERRORSERVICEREQUESTTIMEOUT The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion. C3 4. 29. 49. 66. ErrorSessionCredentialConflict Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user,using more than one user name, are not allowed. C5 4. 29. 49. 66. ErrorDupDomainename The workgroup or domain name is already in use by another computer on the network. D5 4. 29. 49. 65. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 06. InvalidHWProfile The specified hardware profile configuration is invalid. ErrorInstallServicefailure The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. ERRORINSTALLFAILURE Fatal error during installation 0x. ERRORINSTALLALREADYRUNNING Another installation is already in progress. TNBlogsFS/' alt='Rpc Server Is Unavailable Installation Instructions' title='Rpc Server Is Unavailable Installation Instructions' />The purpose of this KBA is to help SAP customers obtain a general idea of potential fixed situations in future Adaptive Server Enterprise ASE EBFSP or PL releases. Get fast, free assistance preview our new Virtual Agent today. Ask the Virtual Agent. FormatMessage,0x00000000,ERRORSUCCESS,The operation completed successfully. FormatMessage,0x00000000,NOERROR,The operation completed successfully. Supported. In the context of Apache HBase, supported means that HBase is designed to work in the way described, and deviation from the defined behavior or. Complete that installation before proceeding with this install. D9 4. 29. 49. 65. EPTSNotRegistered There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper. F6 4. 29. 49. 65. RPCXBYTECountTOOSmall The byte count is too small 0x. NERRBADPassword. Core This share name or password is invalid. BC2 4. 29. 49. 64. ErrorSuccessRebootRequired 0x. C0. B 4. 29. 49. NULL 0x. CC4 4. NULL 0x. 00. D4. NULL 0x. 00. 00. E5. C 4. 29. 49. 63. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 0E7. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 10. F 4. 29. 49. 63. NULL 0x. ErrorNoMediaInDrive No media in drive 0x. A 4. 29. 49. 62. NULL 0x. ErrorShutdownISScheduled A system shutdown has already been scheduled. ErrorPortUnreachable No Service is operating at the destination network endpoint on the remote system. ErrorWrongTargetName Logon failure The target account name is incorrect. D7 4. 29. 49. 62. ErrorClusterrestypeNoteSupported The specified node does not support a resource of this type. This amy be due to version inconsistancies or due to the absence of the resource DLL on this node. ErrorInvalidShowwinCommand Cannot show or remove the window in the way specified. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 17. C7 4. 29. 49. 61. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 17. D2 4. 29. 49. 61. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 18. BE 4. 29. 49. 60. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 1AD4 4. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 1ADA 4. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 1C7. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 1CE8 4. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 1D7. A 4. 29. 49. 59. NULL 0x. F1. D 4. 29. 49. 59. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 1F5. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 20. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 22. A 4. 29. 49. 58. NULL 0x. CA 4. 29. 49. 58. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 23. B 4. 29. 49. 58. NULL 0x. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 28. A5 4. 29. 49. 56. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 2ABF 4. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 2BBE 4. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 2D4. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 2DA4 4. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 2DDC 4. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 2EBD 4. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 2ED7 4. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 32. D8 4. 29. 49. 54. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 35. DD 4. 29. 49. 53. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 36. F8 4. 29. 49. 53. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 37. A1 4. 29. 49. 53. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 37. FA 4. 29. 49. 52. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 38. E 4. 29. 49. 52. NULL 0x. F5 4. 29. 49. 52. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 39. D 4. 29. 49. 52. NULL 0x. A5. C 4. 29. 49. 52. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 3D1. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 3E4. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 40. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 40. CF 4. 29. 49. 50. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 41. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 41. F4 4. 29. 49. 50. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 43. D 4. 29. 49. 50. NULL 0x. F9 4. 29. 49. 49. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 44. CC 4. 29. 49. 49. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 47. E 4. 29. 49. 49. NULL 0x. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 49. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 49. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 4A6. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 4BF9 4. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 4CC2 4. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 4D2. D 4. 29. 49. 47. NULL 0x. DB8 4. NULL 0x. 00. E9. NULL 0x. 00. 00. FA2 4. NULL 0x. 00. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 51. CF 4. 29. 49. 46. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 52. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 52. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 53. C 4. 29. 49. 46. NULL 0x. C4 4. 29. 49. 45. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 54. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 55. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 55. E 4. 29. 49. 45. NULL 0x. BC 4. 29. 49. 45. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 56. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 58. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 58. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 58. F7 4. 29. 49. 44. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 5A6. A 4. 29. 49. 44. NULL 0x. AA5 4. NULL 0x. 00. C0. E 4. 29. 49. 43. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 5FE9 4. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 60. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 62. E 4. 29. 49. 42. NULL 0x. B6 4. 29. 49. 42. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 65. F 4. 29. 49. 41. NULL 0x. AA 4. 29. 49. 41. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 65. BA 4. 29. 49. 41. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 6F5. Top 100 Nes Game Roms For Android. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 70. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 71. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 76. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 77. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 78. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 7B8. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 7C1. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 7C7. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 7CE1 4. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 7D1. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 7DFF 4. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 7EC9 4. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 7F8. NULL 0x. 00. 00. 7FCC 4. NULL 0x. 00. 00. F0. A 4. 29. 49. 05. NULL 0x. F0. B 4. 29. 49. 05. NULL 0x. 00. 00. F0. DA 4. 29. 49. 05. NULL 0x. 00. 24. 00. WUSSERVICESTOP Windows. Update Windows Update Agent was stopped successfully. WUSSELFUPDATE Windows Update Agent updated itself 0x. WUSUPDATEERROR Overall operation completed but error occurred while processing one or more specified updates. WUSMARKEDFORDISCONNECT The caller attempted to disconnect an operation but the operation is busy calling back so the callback is marked for disconnect later. WUSREBOOTREQUIRED The system needs to be rebooted to complete installation. SUSSALREADYINSTALLED The update to be installed is already installed. WUSALREADYUNINSTALLED The update to be removed is not installed on the system. WUSALREADYDOWNLOADED The update to be downloaded is already downloaded. EABORT 0x. 80. 00. ENOTIMPL 0x. 80. ENOINTERFACE No such interface supported 0x. EPointer Invalid pointer 0x. EABORT Operation Aborted 0x. EFail 0x. 80. 00. COEWRONGSERVERIDENTITY The security descriptor on the BITS service was changed by a security template such that Network. Service account doesnt have READ access to BITS service. ENOSPACEINCACHE Out of cache space 0x. ECACHETOOSMALL Cache size is smaller than requested contents size. FFFF 2. 14. 74. EUNEXPECTED 0x. RPCESYSCALLFAILED 0x. RPCEServerfault 0x. RPCEDisconnected 0x. REGDBECLASSNOTREG SA fail if SWD not working create. Instance failed for Update. Service. Manager Class not registered BITS in Windows 2. SENS and Event. System services. If COM catalog is corrupted, one of these errors. F3 2. 14. 72. 21. COEClassstring 0x. FD 2. 14. 72. 20. COEObjnotconnected Object is not connected to server 0x. EVENTEINTERNALERROR There will be event messages in ApplicationSystem log regarding the errors. EFAILPOLICYNOTFOUND Scan Tool Policy not found 0x. Rpc Server Is Unavailable Installation Instructions© 2017