Maxtor M3 1 TB USB 3. Slimline Portable Hard Drive. Samsung Hard Drive Backup Software' title='Samsung Hard Drive Backup Software' />Ordered on a Friday, delivered on the Monday, thank you Amazon for being great as per usual. Imprimir A Pdf 64 Bits here. I bought this to use as extended storage for my PS4 Pro. I already have an internal 2. TB HDD installed which is filling up fast, so this extra Maxtor M3 2 TB USB 3. Slimline Portable Hard Drive Black 2. TB is just future proofing to get me through until next generation consoles arrive. Couldnt believe how easy it was to get up and running One end of the supplied 3. USB cable goes into the M3 External Drive, the other goes into the front right USB slot on my PS4 Pro the USB port on the back of the PS4 Pro is now used for charging Headphones etc. The USB port is enough to power the Maxtor M3, no additional cables or power source required. The PS4 Notifications tell me theres now and External HDD device connected and that the PS4 wants to format it. Tell the PS4 to go ahead and literally seconds later youre ready to go. Ive downloadedtransferred from the original System Storage all digital apps to it like Netflix and Indie Games, the small ones take seconds, larger titles take around 5. GBmin to transfer, e. Samsung Hard Drive Backup Software' title='Samsung Hard Drive Backup Software' />Call of Duty Infinite Warfare takes around 1. Games that used to require their disc to be installed still require the disc to be installed, digital titles which dont require a disc in the first place run just as well from the External HDD as they did when installed on the Internal HDD. The Maxtor HDD itself is extremely light weight, only a few grams, and now happily sits on its side next to my PS4 Pro. As a super special extra bonus, the light on the Maxtor glows with a familiar Play. Station blue so its like they were made for each other. Overall its a perfect accessory for me works as intended and one of the cheapest 2. TB external HDD options around, so Im delighted, hence the 5 Stars. Shop for new Hard Drives. All the Top Brands at the Lowest Prices Fast Shipping. Buy External Hard Drives, Internal Hard Drives, more. Hard Drive Deals Await Which is the fastest Xbox One external hard drive Capacity and price are characteristics that manufacturers display upfront but data transfer speeds, which can.