Things To Do After Installing Ubuntu 1. If you plan to upgrade to Ubuntu 1. Ubuntu 1. 7. 0. 4tweet thisWell, first things first award yourself a well earned pat on the back for picking such a great OS. Then check out the following list of things to do after installing Ubuntu 1. This list by no means exhaustive, but it is jam packed with handy tips, nifty tweaks and helpful advice. It doesnt matter if you are new to Ubuntu or you consider yourself an experienced veteran as this list has something for everyone. Unable To Install Adobe Acrobat X Professional. Before we go on remember that you can share you own post install preferences with other readers in the comments section at the bottom of this article. Ready Lets begin1. See Whats New in Ubuntu 1. Every new release of Ubuntu ships with changes, some small, some noticeable. A KDE and Gnome comparison using Kubuntu and Ubuntu as examples. Traditionally, Linux desktop environments have a set of tightly integrated applications, not usually found in others Linux operating systems. Basically, if youre. Kubuntu k b n t u kuuBUUNtoo is an official flavour of the Ubuntu operating system which uses the KDE Plasma Desktop instead of the Unity graphical. In this article, we will show you some of Lightweight Desktop Environments which have attracted distributions to make them as their default desktop environment. Ubuntu 1. 7. 0. 4 is firmly in the former camp. Most of the cool new stuff is under the hood. For example, new installs no longer require a swap partition to be created. Instead, Ubuntu uses a swap file. Sizing of swap files is different to the swap partitions and typically use no more than 5 of free disk space or 2. MB of RAM, which is another potential benefit. Check out our full Ubuntu 1. Check for Updates. Not everyone reads this list of things to do on the day of release. If youre one of them its important that you remember to check for updates after installing. Security patches, bug fixes and key app updates may be waiting for you, so before you do anything else run an update 3. Install Graphics Drivers. Remembering to enable proprietary drivers is crucial to you get the best performance using your computer, be it GPU, Wi. Fi card or processor features. To check whether any proprietary drivers are available your hardware open the Additional Drivers app from the Unity Dash and follow the on screen instructions. Install Media Codecs. Youve got your new system up and running but if you want to listen to music files, watch videos, or play DVD on Ubuntu you need to install media codecs. SpAcX.png' alt='Ubuntu Install Kde Desktop Environments' title='Ubuntu Install Kde Desktop Environments' />You have the option to install these alongside the OS itself, but if you didnt click that option or didnt notice it was there dont panic its easy to install media codecs on Ubuntu using the Ubuntu Software app. Just click this button to get started Install Media Codecs from Ubuntu Software. Install Unity Tweak Tool. Unity Tweak Tool is one of the handiest utilities you can install on Ubuntu. It lets you quickly and easily customise, tweak and adjust the behaviour and appearance of the Ubuntu desktop. Whether you want to minimise opens apps by clicking on their icon in the launcher, change the system font size, or enable multiple workspaces, Unity Tweak is the one stop shop for all your customisation needs. Theres no one true desktop environment for Linux. Unlike competing operating systems like Windows, Linux users have a choice of many different desktop environments. Heres 17 things to do after installing Ubuntu 17. GTK theme, and plenty more. If you really need to use Oracle ex Sun Java instead of OpenJDK in Ubuntu, heres an easy way to do it a PPA repository to install and keep your computer up to. You can install the app from Ubuntu Software. Just search it out by name, or click this button, to install it Install Unity Tweak Tool from Ubuntu Software. Ubuntu Install Kde Desktop Environments' title='Ubuntu Install Kde Desktop Environments' />Enable Minimize on Click. Enabling minimize on click is a small tweak, but one that I think can help speed up your workflow. If youve made the switch from Windows to Ubuntu itll also make using the Unity desktop environment a little more familiar. Assuming you install Unity Tweak Tool in the step above open the app, open Launcher section and check the box next to minimise single window applications on clickThats it Install a modern GTK theme. The default Ubuntu GTK theme and icon set hasnt changed much over the past 5 years, so you may want to freshen things up with a new look. For those who switch to Ubuntu from a Mac or a Windows device, Ubuntus default look seems humdrum and old fashioned in comparison. But unlike mac. OS or Windows it is easy to theme Ubuntu. The Numix GTK theme is one of the most popular Ubuntu themes. Available in three variants, including a dark version, Numix gives Ubuntu a modern, trendy feel without appearing gaudy or getting in the way. You can install the Numix GTK theme from Ubuntu Software Install Numix GTK Theme from Ubuntu Software. To apply the theme open Unity Tweak Tool and head to the Appearance Theme section. Cinnamon. Cinnamon is another alternative to Gnome GnomeBased Desktop Environments Explained MATE vs. Gnome Shell vs. Unity vs. Cinnamon GnomeBased Desktop. Ubuntu 17. 10 Artful Aardvark will be released soon today. Heres how you can upgrade from the Ubuntu 17. Heres a handy command line trick you can use to reset the Ubuntu desktop to default settings. The command works for Unity and GNOME Shell on Ubuntu 17. Install a modern icon theme. To complete your mini makeover you may also want to install a new icon theme. There are hundreds of great Linux icon themes around, ranging from ones that riff off the look of other operating systems, to unique and custom designs, like Uniform. Faenza, Moka and Numix are all popular icon themes well worth a look. Our favourite is the Papirus icon theme, which youll see pictured above. This icon theme isnt currently available to install from the Ubuntu archives but it is still easy to install on Ubuntu How To Install Papirus Icon Theme on Ubuntu. Install Apps from Ubuntu Software. Ubuntu Software is a sleek and snappy storefront through which you can you browse, install and update apps on Ubuntu 1. Thousands of free apps are available, including many well known favourites Chromium Open source web browser differencesVLC Versatile media player. Steam Game distribution platform. GIMP Advanced image editor similar to Photoshop. Virtualbox Virtualisation software. Corebird Desktop Twitter client. Shutter Screenshot annotation tool. Use the Categories feature within Ubuntu Software to find even more great open source software. Install Apps from Outside Ubuntu Software. Also Read 2. 1 Must Have Ubuntu Apps. Not all of the apps you might want to use are available on the Ubuntu Software store. A smorgasbord of stellar Linux software is distributed outside of the main Ubuntu repos. Below weve listed some well known apps you may wish to use, along with a link to their respective website. There you can learn more about them and to download an Ubuntu installer andor follow install instructions provided. For even more great apps be sure to check out our archives Add Useful Indicator Applets. Indicator Applets let you add additional features and functionality to your desktop without needing to install a full blown app. Some applets save you time, others help you keep an eye on things, like system resources. Whatever youre looking for chances are theres an app indicator for it. Some of our favourites include Weve written about many more indicator applets over the years, so feel free to take a look and find some gems Sync Your Cloud AccountsDropbox running on Ubuntu. Chances are you work across multiple devices and operating systems, using a cloud storage services to keep files, folders and documents in sync and easily accessible between then. Most major cloud providers excepting Apple i. Cloud can be used on Ubuntu, so dont overlook setting up or logging in to your cloud service of choice after installing. Some support services include Many other services exist out there, and if they dont have a Linux client chances are you can still use them through a web browser. Install a System Cleaner Tool. To keep your system running like new I recommend installing a system cleaner app. You wont need it right now, but a few weeks down the line youll have plenty of caches, cruft and crash logs to clean out. Its up to you how powerful a system maintenance tool you want. Theres the powerful comprehensive Bleachbit better for advanced users the stylish Stacer pictured above, and suited to intermediate users and the easy to use Ubuntu Cleaner great for newbies. Integrate Firefox with the Unity Desktop. Firefox is the default web browser in Ubuntu and, fairs fair, t it works very well. That said, there a couple of things you can do to integrate Firefox with the Unity desktop.