VB. Net Quick Guide. VB. Net Quick Guide. VB. Net Overview. Visual Basic. NET VB. NET is an object oriented computer programming language implemented on the. NET Framework. Although it is an evolution of classic Visual Basic language, it is not backwards compatible with VB6, and any code written in the old version does not compile under VB. NET. Like all other. NET languages, VB. NET has complete support for object oriented concepts. Everything in VB. NET is an object, including all of the primitive types Short, Integer, Long, String, Boolean, etc. All objects inherits from the base class Object. VB. NET is implemented by Microsofts. NET framework. Therefore, it has full access to all the libraries in the. Net Framework. Its also possible to run VB. Mn9TM.png' alt='Update Datagridview To Database Vb Net Convert' title='Update Datagridview To Database Vb Net Convert' />NET programs on Mono, the open source alternative to. NET, not only under Windows, but even Linux or Mac OSX. Qd9Ie4w/VtS7DubLAqI/AAAAAAAABAo/slSyIiQ0kqo/s1600/Update_DataGridView_Row_Using_TextBoxes.JPG' alt='Update Datagridview To Database Vb Net Convert Byte' title='Update Datagridview To Database Vb Net Convert Byte' />The following reasons make VB. Net a widely used professional language Modern, general purpose. Object oriented. Component oriented. This article shows how to insert, update and delete records in a DataGridView in a C Windows Forms application. I have a DataGridView control on a Windows Forms application written with C. What I need is when a user selects a DataGridViewRow, and then clicks on a Delete. Easy to learn. Structured language. It produces efficient programs. It can be compiled on a variety of computer platforms. Part of. Net Framework. Strong Programming Features VB. Net. VB. Net has numerous strong programming features that make it endearing to multitude of programmers worldwide. Let us mention some of these features Boolean Conditions. Update Datagridview To Database Vb Net Convert StringUpdate Datagridview To Database Vb Net Convert IntegerAutomatic Garbage Collection. Standard Library. Assembly Versioning. Properties and Events. Delegates and Events Management. Easy to use Generics. Indexers. Conditional Compilation. Simple Multithreading. VB. Net Environment. In this chapter, we will discuss the tools available for creating VB. Net applications. We have already mentioned that VB. Net is part of. Net framework and used for writing. Net applications. Therefore before discussing the available tools for running a VB. Net program, let us understand how VB. Net relates to the. Net framework. The. Net Framework. The. Net framework is a revolutionary platform that helps you to write the following types of applications Windows applications. Web applications. Web services. The. Net framework applications are multi platform applications. The framework has been designed in such a way that it can be used from any of the following languages Visual Basic, C, C, Jscript, and COBOL, etc. All these languages can access the framework as well as communicate with each other. The. Net framework consists of an enormous library of codes used by the client languages like VB. Net. These languages use object oriented methodology. Following are some of the components of the. Net framework Common Language Runtime CLRThe. Net Framework Class Library. Common Language Specification. Common Type System. Metadata and Assemblies. Windows Forms. ASP. Net and ASP. Net AJAXADO. Net. Windows Workflow Foundation WFWindows Presentation Foundation. Windows Communication Foundation WCFLINQFor the jobs each of these components perform, please see ASP. Net Introduction, and for details of each component, please consult Microsofts documentation. Integrated Development Environment IDE For VB. Net. Microsoft provides the following development tools for VB. Net programming Visual Studio 2. VSVisual Basic 2. Express VBEVisual Web Developer. The last two are free. Using these tools, you can write all kinds of VB. Net programs from simple command line applications to more complex applications. Visual Basic Express and Visual Web Developer Express edition are trimmed down versions of Visual Studio and has the same look and feel. They retain most features of Visual Studio. In this tutorial, we have used Visual Basic 2. Express and Visual Web Developer for the web programming chapter. You can download it from here. It gets automatically installed in your machine. Please note that you need an active internet connection for installing the express edition. Writing VB. Net Programs on Linux or Mac OSAlthough the. NET Framework runs on the Windows operating system, there are some alternative versions that work on other operating systems. Mono is an open source version of the. NET Framework which includes a Visual Basic compiler and runs on several operating systems, including various flavors of Linux and Mac OS. The most recent version is VB 2. The stated purpose of Mono is not only to be able to run Microsoft. NET applications cross platform, but also to bring better development tools to Linux developers. Mono can be run on many operating systems including Android, BSD, i. OS, Linux, OS X, Windows, Solaris and UNIX. VB. Net Program Structure. Before we study basic building blocks of the VB. Net programming language, let us look a bare minimum VB. Net program structure so that we can take it as a reference in upcoming chapters. VB. Net Hello World Example. A VB. Net program basically consists of the following parts Namespace declaration. A class or module. One or more procedures. Variables The Main procedure. Statements Expressions. Comments. Let us look at a simple code that would print the words Hello World. This program will display Hello World. Console. Write. LineHello World. Console. Read. Key. When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result. Let us look various parts of the above program The first line of the program Imports System is used to include the System namespace in the program. The next line has a Module declaration, the module Module. VB. Net is completely object oriented, so every program must contain a module of a class that contains the data and procedures that your program uses. Classes or Modules generally would contain more than one procedure. Procedures contain the executable code, or in other words, they define the behavior of the class. A procedure could be any of the following. Function. Sub. Operator. Get. Set. Add. Handler. Remove. Handler. Raise. Event The next line This program will be ignored by the compiler and it has been put to add additional comments in the program. The next line defines the Main procedure, which is the entry point for all VB. Net programs. The Main procedure states what the module or class will do when executed. The Main procedure specifies its behavior with the statement. Console. Write. LineHello WorldWrite. Line is a method of the Console class defined in the System namespace. This statement causes the message Hello, World to be displayed on the screen. The last line Console. Read. Key is for the VS. NET Users. This will prevent the screen from running and closing quickly when the program is launched from Visual Studio. NET. Compile Execute VB. Net Program If you are using Visual Studio. Net IDE, take the following steps Start Visual Studio. On the menu bar, choose File, New, Project. Choose Visual Basic from templates. Choose Console Application. Specify a name and location for your project using the Browse button, and then choose the OK button. The new project appears in Solution Explorer. Write code in the Code Editor. Click the Run button or the F5 key to run the project. A Command Prompt window appears that contains the line Hello World. You can compile a VB. Net program by using the command line instead of the Visual Studio IDE Open a text editor and add the above mentioned code. Save the file as helloworld. Open the command prompt tool and go to the directory where you saved the file. Type vbc helloworld. Data. Grid. View. In the previous page, you learnt to use the ADO. NET Framework and Data. Grid. View control to display the Book table stored in the Book. Store. DB database of SQL Server Express. In this tutorial, you will learn to use the Framework and Data. Gridview to add, delete, and edit records of the Book table. Now lets start creating a new Windows Application project in Visual Studio C 2. Express. Then you need to connect to the Book. Store. DB database and create ADO. NET Data Model as you did in the page Entity Framework. Then drag and drop a Data. Grid. View control on the form. This Data. Grid. View will be used to display the records, add a new record to the Book table, delete, and edit a record in the Book table. In the Form. 1Load procedure, the init. Data method is called. The init. Data method gets records from the Book table, displays the records in the Data. Grid. View, and add button column delete buttons to the Data. Grid. View. private void init. Datavar context new Book. Store. DBEntities Binding. Source bi new Binding. Source bi. Data. Source context. Books data. Grid. View. 1. Data. Source bi data. Grid. View. 1. Columns4. Visible false hide navigation columndata. Grid. View. 1. Columns0. Read. Only true make the id column read only add new button column to the Data. Grid. ViewThis column displays a delete icon in each row. Data. Grid. View. Image. Column delbut new Data. Grid. View. Image. Column delbut. Image Image. From. FileEnvironment. Current. Directory imagesdelicon. Width 2. 0 delbut. Auto. Size. Mode Data. Grid. View. Auto. Size. Column. Mode. All. Cells data. Grid. View. 1. Columns. Adddelbut The save icon displays instead of the delete icon when the user clicks the header of the new row or clicks the star symbol. The save button can be clicked to save the new row to the Book table. Below code is placed in the data. Grid. View. 1Row. Header. Mouse. Click procedure to change from delete icon to save icon when the user click the stars symbol to add a new row. Row. Index data. Grid. View. 1. New. Row. Indexdata. Grid. View. Columns0. Read. Only false enable id columnnewrow true this flag indicates that the user clicks to add a row in the Data. Grid. Viewchange icon of the new row from delete to save icondata. Grid. View. 1. Rowse. Row. Index. Cells5. Value Image. From. FileEnvironment. Current. Directory imagessaveicon. The code below is placed in the data. Grid. View. 1Cell. Click procedure to make the delete and save icon buttons workable. Column. Index 5 e. Row. Index 0 newrow true delete icon button is clickedint bid int. Parsedata. Grid. View. Rowse. Row. Index. Cells0. Value. To. String Dialog. Result result Message. Box. ShowDo you want to delete this record, Confirmation, Message. Box. Buttons. OKCancel if result Dialog. Result. OKdelete. Bookbid delete the record from the Book tabledata. Grid. View. 1. Rows. Remove. Ate. Row. Index delete the row from the Data. Grid. View else if e. Column. Index 5 newrow save icon button is clickedtryint bid int. Parsedata. Grid. View. Rowse. Row. Index. Cells0. Value. To. String String btitle data. Grid. View. 1. Rowse. Row. Index. Cells1. Value. To. String String bauthor data. Grid. View. 1. Rowse. Row. Index. Cells2. Value. To. String int bsupplier int. Parsedata. Grid. View. Rowse. Row. Index. Cells3. Value. To. Realtek Hd Audio Driver Xp Download here. String if bid 0add. Bookbid, btitle, bauthor, bsupplier add the new row to the Book tablenewrow false data. Grid. View. 1. Columns0. Read. Only true data. Grid. View. 1. Rowse. Row. Index. Cells5. Value Image. From. FileEnvironment. Current. Directory imagesdelicon. Message. Box. ShowID can not be zero or blank, Error, Message. Box. Buttons. OK, Message. Box. Icon. Error catchException exMessage. Box. ShowUnable to save the record. The problem might come from the following n. Blank fieldsn. 2. Duplicate record,Error,Message. Box. Buttons. OK,Message. Box. Icon. Error The delete. Book method is called when the user clicks the OK button on the message dialog to confirm that heshe really wants to delete the record. Bookint bidusing var context new Book. Store. DBEntitiesvar book. To. Delete from b in context. Bookswhere b. id bidselect b foreach var book in book. To. Deletecontext. Delete. Objectbook context. Save. Changes The add. Book method is called when the user click the save icon button to add a new record or row to the Book table in Book. Store. DB database. Below is the code of the add. Book method. private void add. Bookint bid, String btitle, String bauthor, int bsupplier using var context new Book. Store. DBEntities create Book object Book book. To. Add new Book assign its propertiesbook. To. Add. id bid book. To. Add. title btitle book. To. Add. author bauthor book. To. Add. suppplier bsupplier add the Book to the object set Bookscontext. Books. Add. Objectbook. To. Add save change to the databasecontext. Save. Changes The Data. Grid. View also allows you to edit data in a row and save change to the record in the Book table. To accomplish this functionality, the below code is written in the data. Grid. View. 1Cell. Value. Changed procedure. Parsedata. Grid. View. Rowse. Row. Index. Cells0. Value. To. String String btitle data. Grid. View. 1. Rowse. Row. Index. Cells1. Value. To. String String bauthor data. Grid. View. 1. Rowse. Row. Index. Cells2. Value. To. String int bsupplier int. Parsedata. Grid. View. Rowse. Row. Index. Cells3. Value. To. String update. Bookbid, btitle, bauthor, bsupplier save change to the Book tablecatchException ex Message. Box. ShowUnable to save the record. There might be a blank cell. Error, Message. Box. Buttons. OK, Message. Box. Icon. Error This is the code of the update. Book method that is called from the code above to make change to the Book table. Bookint bid, String btitle, String bautor, int bsupplierusing var context new Book. Store. DBEntitiesget the book to updatevar book. To. Update from b in context. Bookswhere b. id bidselect b change the supplier of the bookforeach var book in book. To. Updatebook. Save. Changes If you like this project and want to download the source code and other related files, click here.