How to fix Svchost. CPU usage problems. Svchost. exe is a generic and legitimate Windows process that loads several other critical. JMRI Install Guide Windows This Install Guide is for JMRI versions 3 and later for earlier versions 2012 and before, refer to the old Windows Install Guide. Get help for Windows Phone 8. Includes instructional videos, tips and tricks, FAQs, troubleshooting information, and more. This usually happens when who ever made your laptop never bothered to update the drivers to work with Windows 10. Scrolling features for the touch pad can usually. Windows XP shutdown issues mostly center around a very few issues, especially legacy hardware and software compatibility issues. Currently, the leading cause of. Solved Windows Update Stuck. In this post, we will see how to solve the problem of. Windows update getting stuck on checking for updates step. The Windows 10 Fall Creators Update is Microsofts latest feature update for Windows 10 Heres our full written review detailing all the new improvements and features. Windows Update Memory Could Not Be Written Warning' title='Windows Update Memory Could Not Be Written Warning' />Windows Update Error 0x8024d005 Fix, Clean, Repair WINDOWS UPDATE ERROR 0X8024D005 Improve Its Performance SPEED Up Your PC Free Scan NowThis problem of windows updates hanging on checking for update stage can happen due to many reasons so we have come up with the best four methods to solve it. Method 1 Run Windows Update for 1 hr. Method 2. 1 Update Windows Update Agent. Method 2. 2 Fix Slow Update Agent. Method 3 Automated Diagnostic Tool. Method 4 Offline Windows Update Tool. Before starting this tutorial I would like to state couple of assumptions we are undertaking You have a genuine activated copy of windows. You are using either windows 7 SP 1 or windows 8. OS this tutorial might work but we cannot guarantee that. You are internet connection is working properly. You have got admin rights to the system which you want to troubleshoot. Now lets dive into method 11 Run Windows Update for 1 hr Windows 1. SP 1With growing volume of windows updates packages, the process of selecting the suitable package for your system can be very time consuming for the windows update agent. In fact, several people have reported that Checking for updates step toke them about an hour after which windows update started working properly and detected the packages required for your system. So if you have not left the computer on Checking for updates stage for an hour I would suggest you try it out. Disable Sleep from Power Setting. This will prevent the update from getting interrupted in between so we open the power options and make the necessary changes so that your system doesnt go to sleep. In Windows 7. Click on start. Type power options. Click on power options. In Windows 8. 1. From the start screen. Type power in the search panel. Then select power options. In Windows 1. 0Right click on the start button. Select power options. Depending upon the plan you have chosen either balanced or high performance or power saver will be checked whichever plan yours is showing selected. Click on the change plan setting for the same. In put the computer to sleep option. Set it to never. Click on save changes. Also, if you are using a laptop or any battery powered device make sure when you are putting your computer to update its connected to the power supply. Flush DNSTo make sure that DNS resolution happens properly we will flush the DNS settings. First, we will open a command prompt in admin mode. In Windows 7. Click on start. Type CMDRight click it and select run as admin. Click on yes if the UAC pops up. In Windows 8. From the start screen type CMDRight click Command Prompt. Select run as admin. If a UAC pops up click on yes. In Windows 1. 0Right click on the start button. Select command prompt admin. Keep the admin CMD open as it will be used in this method also. In the command prompt typeipconfig flushdnsand hit enter. Now again start the windows update and leave it for an hour. If this method didnt work try method 2 2. Update Windows Update Agent Windows 8. SP 1Recently windows have released an update for its windows update agent which have a couple of bug fixes. The download links for the same are given below. Youll see a MSU file in your downloads folder when its completed. Before you run this MSU you must make sure that the Windows update agent is not running otherwise it would not allow you to install this update. Disable Windows Update Agent Before Installation. Using the admin CMD prompt. Type net stop wuauserv. And hit enter. After installing and restarting the system if you are using windows 7 install the below mentioned patch. For windows 8. 1 users again try to update windows make sure you leave it running for sufficient amount of time If still windows update keeps showing checking for updates message then let step to method 3. Fix for Slow Update Agent Windows 7 SP 1Microsoft has released a fix to solve the slow update client problem. The download links for the same are given below. Youll see a MSU file in your downloads folder when its completed. Before you run this MSU you must make sure that the Windows update agent is not running otherwise it would not allow you to install this update. Use the above mentioned steps to disable windows update agent. After installing and restarting the system again try to update windows make sure you leave it running for sufficient amount of time If still windows update keeps showing checking for updates message then let step to method 3. Windows Update Troubleshooter Update Errors Windows 1. SP 1Microsoft provides automated diagnostic tools for fixing common errors in the windows update agent the download it using the below link After running the diagnostic tool restart the system and again try to update windows. If you are seeing a specific update error Microsoft has built a knowledge base providing step by step instruction for solving them check the link below Get Help on Specific Update Error Code If none of the above methods worked keep faith method 4 will definitely work4 Offline Windows Update Tool Windows 1. SP 1Using this tools we can create a repository of windows update files which then we can transfer to any storage medium like pen drive, external hard disk etc. And use it for updating windows machine that has no internet connection. But the main reason we would be using this tool is it does not rely on the Microsoft Windows update client for downloading and installing updates so even if your update agent is broken it can install the required updates and fix the update client eventually. Download the offline update tool fromhttp download. After extracting the zip file. Open wususoffline folder. Click on updategenerator. Check your os version and architecture. Check Windows defender definitions. Rest you can keep it at default settings. Click on start. After the download finishes. Best Software For Newspaper Publishing Rights. Open the clients folder. Click on updateinstaller. Check the automatic reboot and recall. This will automatically install all your downloaded update on your system. Click on start. I hope this post helped you if so please share this website with your friends, allow me friends thanks for reading see you later bye. Have some questions join the discussion. Questions How. ISolve Community.