Specifies that the clock source is the network. Note. This keyword is not supported on CEM serial interfaces. Desired clock rate, in bits per second bps 1. For some synchronous serial port adapters a nonstandard clock rate can be used. Refer to the hardware documentation for specific supported Lvalues. You can enter any value from 3. The clock rate you enter is rounded adjusted, if necessary, to the nearest value that your hardware can support except for the following standard rates 1. Command Default. No clock rate is configured. Command Modes. Interface configuration. CEM configuration in Circuit Emulation Module CEM Command History. This command was introduced. This command was modified to include nonstandard clock rates for the PA 8. T V3. 5, PA 8. T X2. PA 8. T 2. 32, and PA 4. How To Change Your Drivers License Address Online. T synchronous serial port adapters. This command was modified to include the line keyword. The value range for the rate argument was updated to support additional baud rates of 3. K, and 1. 92. 0K bps on CEM Network Modules. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 1. SRA. This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 1. SX train. Support in a specific 1. SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware. Usage Guidelines. Using the no form of this command on a DCE interface sets the clock rate to the hardware dependent default value. Be aware that the fastest speeds might not work if your cable is too long and that speeds faster than 1. EIATIA 2. 32 signaling. It is recommended that you use the synchronous serial EIATIA 2. To permit a faster speed, use EIATIA 4. V. 3. 5. Synchronous Serial Port Adapters. For the synchronous serial port adapters PA 8. T V3. 5, PA 8. T X2. PA 8. T 2. 32, and PA 4. T on Cisco 7. 20. Versatile Interface Processors VIP2s in Cisco 7. To display the clock rate value for the port adapter, use the showrunning configcommand. If you plan to boot from a network TFTP server over a synchronous serial port adapter interface and have a boot image prior to Cisco IOS Release 1. CA that does not support nonstandard rounded clock rates for the port adapters, you must use one of the following standard clock rates 1. CEM Network Modules. The following clock rates are supported on CEM Network Modules. Related Commands. Command. Descriptionshowrunning config. Displays the current configuration. Displays circuit emulation statistics. Download GNS3 All in one and IOS. Online Networks Solution. GNS3 software is very excellent complementary tool to real work practice for Network engineer, administrator and other people who want practice and work on real cisco router and switch. People who want to take certification of CCNA, CCNP, CCIE and another cisco certification GNS provide a good plate form for practice. This tool is open source and free program that may be used on multiple Operating systems, including windows, Linux and Mac. Cisco 3745 Ios Free Download© 2017