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Find internet business directory for listing your business online. The Trade Finder offers large range of categories to systematically catalog your business online. Screen%20Shot%202014-02-26%20at%2009.57.55.jpg' alt='Free Domestic Electrical Installation Certificates Of Deposits' title='Free Domestic Electrical Installation Certificates Of Deposits' />Understanding Electricity. In South Africa, our most abundant source of energy is coal. Most of our coal is low quality with a low heat value and a high ash content. The majority of our coal deposits which are suitable for cheap power generation are found in eastern and south eastern Gauteng and in the northern Free State. In Gauteng it is generally found at shallow depths and in thick seams, whereas in Kwa. Zulu Natal, the seams are deeper and thinner, but of a higher quality. Eskom relies on coal fired power stations to produce approximately 9. Eskom uses over 9. Coal mining in South Africa is relatively cheap compared to the rest of the world. These low costs have had an important effect on the nations prosperity and potential for development. In Europe, by contrast, costs are almost four times higher. In the series, Energy, we have discussed the various ingredients for electricity, the basics of electricity as a form of energy. But how is it in actual fact generated Michael Faraday discovered in 1. In fact, Faraday found that the mechanical energy used to move a magnet inside a coil of wire could be changed into electrical energy which flowed ill the wire. It is this simple discovery which has led to modern power stations. In large power stations, huge magnets are turned inside vast coils of insulated metal wire. It is here that the primary sources of energy are used. Scribd is the worlds largest social reading and publishing site. The current position on deposits revised April 2012 is a Landlord or person deemed to be holding the Deposit must comply with the new Deposit protection Laws or. There are a number of ways of utilising primary sources of energy to drive a generator. In South Africa we use mainly thermal energy to generate the electricity we need. A thermal power station. Coal, oil, gas and nuclear fuels can be used to heat water and convert it into steam at high temperatures and pressures. This is done in boilers or reactors. The very hot steam, at temperatures of between 5. C and 5. 35 C, is released and turns a large turbine, connected to the rotating magnet and electricity is generated. In this way the energy in the fuel has been converted into electricity. A Power Station can therefore be defined as a converter of energy. There are of course many other methods by which electricity can be generated, for example, by harnessing nature. Wind power The force of wind, used for centuries for pumping water and grinding corn, is the most promising. The traditional Dutch windmill has been redesigned to be a most advanced aerodynamic machine with blades designed to capture the wind as efficiently as possible. These windmills are connected to generators where electricity is being generated. Hydro power generating plant. In mountainous countries, hydro electricity is an important source. Tripower was formed in April 2007, specifically for sales and service of both Commercial and Domestic Boilers, Burners, Solar Systems, Biomass, Underfloor Heating. However, in South Africa its most important role is the storage of electricity to meet unexpected demands or a sudden breakdown at a baseload power station. These hydro generating plants are also referred to as peaking power stations. We have two systems in operation in South Africa. These are the conventional hydro and the pumped storage systems. In the conventional system, water is stored behind a dam wall. The water can be released to drive huge turbines, which are connected to generators for power generation. The power station is normally situated close to the dam wall. The other system utilizes pumped storage plant. This is the only practical way at present of storing electricity on a large scale. The idea is simply to use surplus electricity for example, at night or week ends when we are using less electricity off peak periods to pump water to a mountain top reservoir. This water can also be used as a supplement for other water schemes. In an event of a shortage of supply of electricity from other power generating stations, the top reservoir can be emptied very quickly back down through the turbine to regenerate electricity. In other words, the motor, which was driving a pump, becomes a generator driven by a turbine. Power generation from these plants is limited as they rely on the water level of the dams or rivers which in turn is affected by the rainfall in its catchment area. Geothermal power. How To Download Microsoft Publisher 97 Download. The Earth is a virtually inexhaustible reservoir of natural heat, which reaches the surface in some places as springs, geysers and volcanoes in certain countries. Hot springs are formed by underground water coming up through deep faults in the earth. In few places underground springs are hot enough to produce steam at or near the surface of the Earth and this may be worth tapping for electricity generation, as happens in Iceland, Italy, New Zealand and Kenya. Solar power Solar energy is captured, concentrated and stored by green plants to create fuels, but there are possibilities for harnessing it directly to make electricity. The success of solar cells, which convert sunlight directly into electricity, has encouraged the idea of solar energy as a clean and free source of electricity. Solar cells provide the electricity needs for most satellites in orbit around the Earth. On the Earths surface, our power requirements are more substantial and the atmosphere reduces the intensity of the sun. Very large areas of solar panels are required to produce useful amounts of electricity. The investment cost, although falling, is still very high. But solar cells are finding many applications in sunny countries in powering warning beacons, microwave Repeaters, water pumping and weather stations etc. A limited domestic use is also possible. Eskom and other energy providers work together in supplying an energy source to its customers, i. TV. Tidal power The pull of gravity from the sun and moon raises and lowers the sea around our coast twice a day and give tides of up to 8 metres a huge resource of natural energy if it can be harnessed. Electricity can be generated through a barrage, a special type of dam built across an estuary, which admits the raising tide to build up a head of water then releases the water through turbines in the barrage. These turbines are also linked to a generator. Wave power Ocean waves, generated by a combination of wind effects and rotation of the Earth, represent an enormous reservoir of natural energy. To convert the heave, up and down motion of waves, into the smooth rotation of a generator, requires considerable ingenuity. An air turbine with two sets of blades, to rotate a shaft in the same direction whichever way the air is flowing, has been developed. This is used in oscillating column wave power devices in which the wave motion, up and down, forces air in and out of a large steel or concrete chamber. Generators A power station generator, the equivalent of Faradays bar magnet, is a powerful electromagnet a coil energised by direct current to produce a magnetic field. This is mounted on the central rotating shaft, and is called the rotor. Around the rotor is a series of coils called the stator in which the electrical voltage is generated by the rotating magnetic field. Both rotor and stator may weigh several hundred tons. The rotor, connected to a turbine, turns at 3. Modern generators in thermal power plants typically produce 5. OO watt bulbs. Other power generating plants as mentioned, can produce between I KW 2. MW of electrical energy, e. How electricity gets to your home When you next switch on the electric light or the television, stop to think for a moment of all the work which has been done to generate make electricity and to get it to your home. Power stations all over South Africa are linked by transmission lines and towers called pylons.