PPTP VPN Setup Guide for a Debian Open. VZ VPSThis guide is intended for those who want to set up a PPTP VPN on Open. How To Install Pptpd On Centos Server' title='How To Install Pptpd On Centos Server' />VZ with Debian or Ubuntu on a capable provider such as Buy. VM. net. Lots of time has been spent through trial and error trying to figure it out. Insight and portions of this guide have been taken from howtogeek. To verify PPP is working, run cat devppp. It should return this cat devppp No such device or address. Server Setup 1. Install the pptp server package apt get install pptpd. Edit the pptpd. conf configuration file vim etcpptpd. An environment variable is an object that is given a name and contains data that is used by applications on the system. To view your environment variables, you can. Uncomment the localip and remoteip lines and change them to something like this localip 1. Where the localip is the address of your VPS, and the remoteip are the addresses that will be handed out to the clients, it is up to you to adjust these for your networks requirements. Edit the pptpd options configuration file vim etcppppptpd options. Uncomment the ms dns lines and change them to ms dns 2. Where the IP used for the ms dns line is the DNS server for the local network your client will be connecting to. In my example, I used Open. DNSs DNS servers. Microsoft Sql Server Mmc Snap In Active Directory on this page. Lets see how to install Splunk on centos 7, one of the best tool to explore and monitor the huge data over a network. No ifconfig in CentOS 7 Minimal Install. One of the first things that you might notice when logging into a new CentOS 7 minimal installation is there is no ifconfig. PPTP8.png' alt='How To Install Pptpd On Centos Server' title='How To Install Pptpd On Centos Server' />1. This guide is intended for those who want to set up a PPTP VPN on OpenVZ with Debian or Ubuntu on a capable provider such as BuyVM. Lots of time has been spent. Edit the chap secrets file vim etcpppchap secrets. Add the authentication credentials for a users connection, in the following syntax usernamelt tab lt tab userpasswordlt tab ake sure that you separate each entry with a single tab. It could be like this john jsmith. Edit the MTU settings vim etcpppip up. Add this line to the end of the file ifconfig 1 mtu 1. Allow PPTP through the firewall iptables iptables t nat A POSTROUTING j SNAT to source 1. Change 1. 1. 2. 2. VPSs public IP address. After that, type in iptables save. Restart the pptpd for the settings to take affect etcinit. If you dont want to grant yourself access to anything beyond the server, then youre done on the server side. Enable Forwarding By enabling forwarding we make the entire network available to us when we connect and not just the VPN server itself. Doing so allows the connecting client to jump through the VPN server, to all other devices on the network. If you dont enable forwarding, you will not be able to browse the web through your proxy. Edit the sysctl file vim etcsysctl. Find the net. ipv. You can either restart the system or issue this command for the setting to take affect sysctl p. With forwarding enabled, all the server side settings are prepared. Here is a script to reapply iptables settings at boot in case your server restartscrashesetc. Make sure you change the IP address to your VPS address. END. iptables restore lt etciptables.