Shiplap Walls What To Use FAQWelcome Im so glad you are here Sign up for my newsetter to stay in touch Its no secret, I love shiplap walls. I have for a very, very long time. Search titles only has image posted today bundle duplicates include nearby areas albany, GA aby brunswick, GA bwk. How To Install Ship Lap Paneling For Ceilings' title='How To Install Ship Lap Paneling For Ceilings' />One of my favorite architectural elements in a home is chunky wood paneling known as shiplap or a similar tongue and groove paneling. Sigh. It makes my. Go rustic with Aspen paneling Known for tints of red and yellow in the autumn of the year, the Aspen tree is just as remarkable when cut and milled into our. The vinyl walls in mobile homes are the 1 complaint from homeowners. Learn 6 ways to redo, repair or replace the vinyl walls in your mobile home today. Shiplap+Ceilings+%7C+Married+At+Home' alt='How To Install Ship Lap Paneling For Ceilings' title='How To Install Ship Lap Paneling For Ceilings' />I decided it might be helpful to write a post specifically about this shiplap and my previous experiences with this type of wall. I will offer the answers to questions many of you had. I am so happy with our wall. It has made quite an impact already on our home It isnt the first time weve used paneled walls, as I mentioned, so I can tell you more about it from our experience in our past homes, too. CUSTOM CUT CEDAR, PINE AND HARDWOOD SIDING Types of siding we supply Lap siding also called bevel or clapboard siding Board and Batten Siding Half Round. Im not a DIYer so this isnt an actual step by step tutorial or comprehensive guide, but I can answer some FAQ and offer tips about what weve used and where. Youll also find some photos of our walls and the material we selected for each project. You might think Joanna Gaines invented horizontal shiplap from the fanfare it gets thanks to HGTVs popular show Fixer Upper. As talented as she is, she didnt invent shiplap. It was originally a material under old plaster walls and used as siding on barns and buildings and has been used decoratively for years. It can be an effective architectural feature in homes of any age and style, so its really a versatile look for the farmhouse fans to those designing more modern spaces. It can work just about anywhere For those of you who arent sure about white walls, you can of course paint it any color you want. Our beach house walls were shiplap, but a beautiful unpainted natural wood. This shiplap was installed by my parents, maybe in 2. While shiplap is actually a specific type of material, I feel like everyone calls any type of planked walls shiplap these days. Well use that term in this post since its so popular. But dont let the popularity of it scare you off. Planked wood walls predate Fixer Upper and I dont think it will likely go away after Fixer Upper airs its last show. If it worries you, keep it classic by using quality wood and installation methods, or just use it on a wall or two and you can change it down the road if you feel the need. Where and when can you use planked molding We installed vertical tongue and groove planking on the backs of our open shelves and the sides of cabinets in our 1. Tudor. We selected a style that matched some original woodwork. New Players Download Free 2013. The remodel was pre blogging so maybe 1. Excuse my early blogging photo, above, but at least you can see a snippet of it In the 1. Our 1. 92. 0s living room in the house before that had original planked walls and ceilingsPlanked wood felt right in all eras and all the various ways weve used it. We installed the same pine tongue and groove planks horizontally both in the back of open cabinets and on the walls in our brand new Craftsman style house in 2. What wood to use for planked or shiplap walls. The planks in our previous house were thick and long pine boards bought from a lumberyard. You can see the actual pine tongue and groove boards we used, above. Do you see the two little notches on each board in the middle of the plank If you install them with the two notches facing out, they have a beadboard groove and if you install them backwards from that they have a V notch in them rather than the beaded look. I like the v notch with tongue groove. The planks were installed both horizontally and some vertically throughout the main floor of that house. I really loved the chunkiness and the character of the real wood and the craftsmanship of the tongue and groove boards. But, thats not that material we chose in our next house Ill tell you about what we used and why next. Lets get back to talking about our new shiplap wall in our current 1. Here we went with a different material, look and installation than we have used before. MDF baseboard molding for shiplap walls. We used a 5 inch 12 inch thick MDF medium density fiberboard baseboard molding as our plank material. Its more affordable than wood, but really perfect for this type of installation. There might be even cheaper options, but this is already cut, primed, takes paint easily, and you can choose the right width for your job. It is also apparently easy to work with or so Ive heard, says me, the happy non DIYer. Im not sure if that is the EXACT board the contractor chose above, but its pretty close. Thats the picture we sent to the contractor from Home Depot. Plank Walls with Staggered Board Installation. Rather than using one long board the length of the wall, we used a more staggered random length design. It just felt more original and less modern to me for some reason in this house. The boards were nailed nail gun and glued very close together I dont believe the contractor used spacers at all so the grooves between are less pronounced nice for not accumulating dust, I suppose. With a small room, a smaller groove feels more subtle overall in the space, so I like the effect. I also like that the wall feels in line with the vibe of an older house. I was really happy that the paint seeped between a few of the board grooves because thats just how old house paneling and trim looks. Its never perfect Character makes it feel even more authentic to the age of the house, but it doesnt feel too rustic or out of place. How to Finish the Edges of Shiplap Boards. How did we finish the edge of shiplap at the end of the wall I took a few pics so you could see what we used. Its not super easy to see, but theres a small end cap corner piece that finishes it off and the caulking and paint makes it look really nice. I really love when shiplap actually wraps around the corner, as ours did in our old kitchen see the photo of the old kitchen shiplap above for the corner piece that connected the two shiplap walls. But for now our shiplap just ends with that one wall. It really looks fine that way in the room though because you dont focus in on it, especially if your wall color next to it is the same color like ours is. On the other side the planks just run right to the other wall. Caulking makes it feel like they just disappear into the wall, rather than as if they were applied on top of a wall. What if you dont have crown molding or you have baseboards Shiplap walls laid horizontally work even when there isnt crown molding to finish it. The top board is installed right up against our ceiling and caulked it was installed the same way in my old kitchen. If you installed the boards vertically youll likely need a finishing trim of some sort at the ceiling. Also, you might have noticed that our contractor removed the baseboard trim and reinstalled it over the planking. I think that looks really nice. We just left the baseboards in place in our old house so the planks overlapped a bit, which was fine too. I switched the side my lamp was on in between photos to test it out, so pardon the mid post switch haha I was playing around with having just one lamp so I could put my mug rack on one side and couldnt decide which side I liked best. So, ignore me and my indecisivenessA few more random thoughts on installing shiplap. Planked walls give weight and architectural texture to a room. The planks can even fool the eye into thinking the wall is taller or wider or both.