Bill+Clinton+Clinton+was+impeached+by+the+House+in+1998%2C+this+arose+from+an+inappropriate+relationship+the+president+had+with+a+White+House+intern..jpg' alt='Live Coverage Of Impeachment Trial Bill' title='Live Coverage Of Impeachment Trial Bill' />Totality Productions OJ Simpson Murder Trail DVD Collection, The Trial of the CenturyTwo hundred 4 hour DVDs, professionally edited 1. Contains virtually every minute of testimony. Recorded from local L. A. television stations live as the events unfolded. Coverage begins with reports of the murders, till weeks after the verdict and beyond. The Hill is a top US political website, read by the White House and more lawmakers than any other site vital for policy, politics and election campaigns. The most important book ever written on presidential impeachment is only 69 pages long. Charles Black, Jr. Impeachment A Handbook was published in the summer of. Get the latest international news and world events from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and more. See world news photos and videos at ABCNews. Watch the latest Featured Videos on CBSNews. View more videos on CBS News, featuring the latest indepth coverage from our news team. Breitbart TV is the home of the hottest video on politics, world events, culture, and media. For complete details on how to purchase, to read customer reviews of the collection, or to inquire about individual OJ Simpson Murder Trial DVD duplications, click here. The Trial of the Century. For complete details on how to purchase, to read customer reviews of the collection, or to inquire about individual OJ Simpson Murder Trial DVD duplications, clickhere. To download a. pdf file of this OJ Simpson Murder Trial DVD listing, click here 3. KBO. J. Simpson The Whole Story and then someLegend break fade to black, edited commercial break. HC Hard Copy. ET Entertainment Tonight. OJ TRIAL 0. 01 DVD 3 5. News reports of the deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman ABC News, FX OJ waiting in truck outside of his house 0 0. Taped earlier end of freeway chase, to Parker Center, news reports 0 5. Gil Garcetti, Commander Gascon recap of charges 1 3. OJs mug shot released on 1. Johnnie Cochran, Al Michaels on Night. Line 2 5. 1 0. A formal House inquiry into Secretary of State Elaine Marshalls offices designation of notaries public wont come to the chamber floor Thursday, placing the formal. KNBC Morning News recap of events 2 5. Criminal Courts Bldg. PtB_XKqAtxI/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Live Coverage Of Impeachment Trial Bill' title='Live Coverage Of Impeachment Trial Bill' />Pre Trial Preliminary Hearing, KNBC Judge Kathleen Kennedy Powell 3 0. Michele Kestler LAPD Crime Lab 3 1. KNBC news break. OJ TRIAL 0. DVD 3 5. Live evidence search KNBC newsMichele Kestler cross examination cont. Live evidence search Bob Pettee telecopter, news break 1 1. Back in Court 1 2. Michele Kestler cont. Allen Wattenberg knife store owner 2 1. Jose Camacho knife store employee 2 4. John De. Bello Mezzaluna manager 3 1. KNBC news break evidence search, knife store, Nicoles grave siteDriving OJ back to jail. OJ TRIAL 0. 03 DVD 3 5. Police van takes OJ to day 2 of Preliminary HearingReport of kitchen knife found on American Airlines airplaneBack in Court motion to throw out Jose Camacho testimony 0 3. Karen Lee Crawford Mezzaluna employee 0 5. CNN 1 0. 0 4. Stewart Tanner Mezzaluna employee 1 0. Pablo Fenjves plaintive wail witness 1 1. KNBC news break, evidence search 1 2. Steven Schwab found bloody dog 1 4. Judge leaves bench notified of mystery envelope in chambers 2 1. Steven Schwab cross examination cont. Sukru Boztepe man who found bodies 2 4. CNNKNBC, cross examination 3 0. Bettina Rasmussen Sukrus wife 3 0. Micro cassette tapes discussion 3 1. Back in Court further discussing micro cassettes 3 3. KNBC news break. OJ TRIAL 0. DVD 3 5. KNBC morning news day 3 of Preliminary Hearing, OJs route changes, tapes, witnessesAllan Park limo driver 0 1. Brian Kato Kaelin OJs house guest 2 0. Back in Court, attorneys discuss motion to suppress 3 3. Rachel Ferrara Katos friend 3 4. Attorneys discuss motion to suppress 3 5. Detective Phillip Vannatter 3 5. Gerald Uelmen regarding standing issues search warrant. OJ TRIAL 0. 05 DVD 3 5. Detective Philip Vannatter Gerald Uelmen regarding standing issues search warrant cont. Detective Mark Fuhrman 0 0. Back in Court KNBC day 4 of Preliminary Hearing 2 3. Det. Mark Fuhrman cont. Det. Philip Vannatter recalled by Marcia Clark 3 1. Virtual City Playground Mac Cracked App. KNBC news break. OJ TRIAL 0. DVD 3 5. Det. Philip Vannatter cont., heated Robert Shapiro cross examination 0 1. Marcia Clark damage control 1 2. Shapiro again 1 4. Discussing motion to suppress 1 5. Vannatter cont. 1 5. Continue arguing motion to suppress 2 0. Brian Kato Kaelin again 2 1. Arnelle Simpson 2 5. Cathy Randa OJs Assistant 2 5. Dennis Fung LAPD Criminalist 3 0. Final arguments on evidence suppression 3 1. OJ TRIAL 0. 07 DVD 3 5. Final arguments on evidence suppression cont., end of day 0 1. News break final argument, inmates, Arnelle, cameraman, Kato, etc. KNBC morning news day 5 of Preliminary Hearing 0 5. Judge Kennedy Powells ruling on evidence suppression 1 2. Detective Tom Lange 1 4. Det. Tom Lange cont. Det. Philip Vannatter again 3 4. OJ TRIAL 0. 08 DVD 3 5. Det. Philip Vannatter cont., cross examination 0 0. KNBC news break gloves, finger cutDet. Philip Vannatter cont. Det. Tom Lange again 0 4. Thano Peratis nurse who took OJ blood sample, treated finger cut 0 5. Dennis Fung again 1 0. Gregory Matheson LAPD Supervising Criminalist 2 3. KNBC morning news Day 6 of Preliminary Hearing 3 1. Gregory Matheson cont. OJ TRIAL 0. 09 DVD 4 0. Gregory Matheson cont. Dr. Irwin Golden Deputy Coroner, performed autopsy 0 0. People rest 2 3. Defense asks for case dismissal 2 4. Robert Shapiro heard on dismissal 2 4. Marcia Clark 2 5. Judge Kathleen Kennedy Powells decision 3 3. Defendant to be held without bail until trial, court is adjourned 3 3. OJ entering jail Bob Pettee telecopter 3 5. OJ TRIAL 0. 10 DVD 3 5. News break cont. Gil Garcetti press conference wWilliam Hodgman, Marcia Clark 0 0. OJ Juice Plus promo tape clip 0 1. Marcia Clark, Al Cowlings, behind barsAl Cowlings Criminal Courts Bldg. Nicole pulsed The Star Premiere Story 0 4. Juice Juicer 0 4. KNBC The Night Before 0 4. KNBC The Arraignment news break 0 5. Criminal Courts Bldg. Judge Cecil J. Mills, Robert Shapiro, Johnnie Cochran 1 3. OJ Absolutely 1. Judge Lance Ito, following OJs van back to jail, more on ItoHC 2 1. Arraignment Day, special privileges in cellblock 7. A Current Affair 2 2. My Cousin OJKNBC Special report Pre Trial Hearing DNA samples 2 2. Judge Lance Ito 2 2. Robert Shapiro, Johnnie Cochran, Barry Scheck, Marcia Clark, William Hodgman, recess 3 1. Marcias late with list of items, Marcia and Scheck debate. OJ TRIAL 0. 11 DVD 3 5. Pre Trial Hearing DNA samples cont., recess 0 0. Next day Pre Trial motions 0 4. KNBC morning news 1 3. Al Cowlings hearing, clips of chase, Cowlings in court 1 5. The Star commercial 2 0. ET commercial 2 0. KNBC news 2 0. Robert Shapiro at James Toney boxing match 2 1. KNBC news 2 1. Premier Story Jill Shivelry sells story to HC 2 3. ET tabloids 2 3. KNBC news mystery witness 2 3. ET OJs clothing 2 4. HC 849. 4 OJs kids The Forgotten Victims clips 2 4. Dateline NBC accomplice theory, mystery car 2 4. KNBC news mystery witness 2 5. Cinema Secrets OJ disguise 2 5. Rosey Greer 3 0. KNBC news melting ice cream 3 0. KNBC morning news 3 0. OJs new cell, back in court 3 1. Kelli Sager representing. OJ TRIAL 0. 12 DVD 3 4. Discovery hearing cont. Royal Oakes media lawyer 0 0. Judge Lance Ito requests jury questionnaires 0 0. Back in court 0 2. NBC news update Brian Williams 0 3. The Star commercial 0 3. KNBC Today in LA 0 3. OJs surgery, movie report The OJ Simpson Story FoxKNBC Pre Trial Hearing 0 4. Robert Tortelout Mark Fuhrmans lawyer 1 5. Lisa Kahn Deputy DA 2 0. ET fair trial Nightside money, blood, high tech courtroom 3 0. HC The Blood Drop 3 0. KNBC news 3 0. ACs story, F. Lee Bailey, HC OJ Interview from E KNBC Pre Trial Hearing 3 1. Griffin hearing, Gary Sims Criminalist Lisa Kahn 3 3. OJ TRIAL 0. 13 DVD 4 0. Gary Sims cont., recess 0 4. Peter Neufeld cross examination 0 5.