Art. Net also known as Art on the Net. Multiple Intelligence Theory and Growth Mindset. Multiple. Intelligence Theoryand Growth Mindset Multiple Intelligence Theory. Dr. Howard Gardner first proposed Multiple Intelligence MI theory over 4. IQ is not one dimensional, and that it cant be described by a single number. Instead, he proposed that there are at least eight different types of intelligence, including visual spatial, musical rhythmic, interpersonal, and more. While not every educator supports MI theory, I believe that it has great potential as a tool for empowering students to take responsibility for their own learning experiences. Most kids think that someone is either smart or not smart, and that the students who are smart are those who excel in math andor reading. This view makes sense when you think about how schools are designed. The current system favors students who are mathematical logical or verbal linguistic. But kids who are artistic, musical, or kinesthetic learners are often out of luck. Fortunately, educators now recognize that there are many paths to understanding, and students learn best when they are able to engage in activities that take advantage of their strengths. Multiple Intelligences Social Studies Activities For Kids' title='Multiple Intelligences Social Studies Activities For Kids' />Teachers have always intuitively known that kids learn in different ways, and Gardners Multiple Intelligence theory supported their own classroom observations and experiences. Dr. Gardners work in this area opened the way for teachers to discuss the implications and search for practical applications in the classroom. Multiple Intelligence Areas and Kid Friendly Terms. The eight multiple intelligence areas in the left column of the chart below are the ones commonly used by educators, although Dr. Gardner has identified others such as existential and moral intelligence. Homeschooling, also known as home education, is the education of children inside the home. Home education is usually conducted by a parent or tutor. Many families use. Many teachers have adopted the kid friendly terms in the right column to make these concepts easier for kids to understand. However, theres a danger in only teaching the smart terms because each multiple intelligence area is complex and includes many innate abilities. For example, children may think they have to be good at drawing to be Art Smart, but the Visual Spatial intelligence refers to the tendency to conceptualize the world in terms of images and spatial relationships. Someone who is Art Smart might be skilled at map reading or photography. If you decide to teach the kid friendly terms, its a good idea to introduce the other terms as well. Feel free to use the free posters on the right when introducing the 8 multiple intelligences. Multiple Intelligences Social Studies Activities For Kids' title='Multiple Intelligences Social Studies Activities For Kids' />Multiple Intelligences Kid Friendly MI Terms Verbal Linguistic. Word Smart Visual Spatial. Multiple Intelligences Survey for Kids. Free Multiple Intelligence Survey for Kids I created this MI Survey for Kids to help my 5th graders discover how they learn. Art Smart Mathematical Logical. Math Smart Musical Rhythmic. Music Smart Bodily Kinesthetic. Hindi Hd Video Songs Download Blogspot Videos there. Body Smart Naturalist. Nature Smart Intrapersonal. People Smart Interpersonal. Self Smart. Multiple Intelligences Survey for Kids. Free Multiple Intelligence Survey for Kids I created this MI Survey for Kids to help my 5th graders discover how they learn best, and youre welcome to use it with your students, too. But before you do, please watch the video below to learn how to use the survey appropriately. In the video, I explained how to administer and score the survey, and I also shared some tips and guidelines for using it to foster a growth mindset. This survey is most appropriate for upper elementary or middle school students. If youd like to use it with your students, click here to request a copy of this free MI Survey for Kids. MI Survey for Kids Growth Mindset Video MI Theory and Growth Mindset Research. If youre familiar with Dr. Carol Dwecks research regarding fixed versus growth mindset, you might be wondering whether her findings are compatible with MI theory. To provide a bit of context, Dr. Dweck found that praising kids for being smart is actually detrimental to their self esteem and hinders them from succeeding in school. When kids are praised for being smart, they learn to avoid tasks that include a risk of failure, because failing must mean they arent smart. The good news is that we can positively impact our students mindsets by changing the way we praise them. Praising students for choosing challenging tasks and recognizing them for working hard to master difficult skills fosters a growth mindset. With enough encouragement and support, kids will begin to believe in themselves and succeed in situations where they would have previously given up. Partly due to concerns about praising kids for being smart, some educators believe that MI theory is no longer relevant. However, I disagree. If you think about it, the two theories actually support each other quite well. MI theory can help students understand how they learn best, and this knowledge can foster a growth mindset when they are struggling to solve a problem or facing a difficult task. However, its important to have a full understanding of both concepts in order to implement them effectively in the classroom. Carol Dwecks work reminds us of the need for caution when using the word smart. We should never treat smartness as. Any praise we offer students should support a growth mindset. Growth mindset research also comes into play when interpreting the results of MI surveys. While a survey may indicate that we have strengths in some areas more than others, those results may not be a true reflection of our abilities. In fact, any strengths may be the result of previous life experiences, and we are likely to develop strengths in other areas in the coming years as we try new things. Scores in each of the eight areas should be viewed as flexible, providing a snapshot of how we learn best right now. The way we can become smarter in ALL areas is to try new experiences and be willing to face challenges, even if that means we might not be successful right away. To put this into perspective, imagine that one of your students, Cindy, tells you shes not smart in math. Shes always felt this way and has just accepted it as a weakness. However, after learning about MI theory and growth mindset, Cindy realizes that shes not doomed to have poor math skills forever. After taking an MI survey, Cindy discovers that shes highly Visual Spatial and has strengths as a Bodily Kinesthetic learner. The next time she feels frustrated trying to solve a math problem, she decides to draw a picture to help her visualize the problem and its solution. To check the answer, she recreates the problem using snap cubes because this hands on approach gives her confidence in her solution. Ultimately, both multiple intelligence theory and the research on growth mindset can empower students to take ownership of their learningBy the way, if youre encouraging your students to develop a growth mindset, you might object to teaching them the kid friendly MI terms because all of those terms include the word smart. Instead, teach your students the terms that Dr. Gardner used to describe these intelligence areas. They may enjoy the challenge of learning those big words How to Teach Kids about MI Theory and Growth Mindset. Multiple Intelligence Theory for Kids is an ebook with lessons, printables, and other resources to help you teach your students about MI theory in an engaging way using cooperative learning strategies. MI Theory, Mindset, and Motivation is the 2 part companion webinar I developed to explain how to foster a lifelong love of learning by integrating MI theory with growth mindset. MI Theory, Mindset, and Motivation Webinar. How to Use MI Theory and Growth Mindset to Foster a Love of Learning.